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    BA6395AFP equivalent

    Abstract: BA6395AFP HSOP28
    Text: 5-channel BTL driver BA6395AFP The BA6395AFP is a 5-channel BTL driver for the motors or actuators on a CD player. Dimensions Units: mm BA6395AFP (HSOP28) Features • available in a HSOP28 package • contains drivers for focus coil, tracking coil, spindle motor, feed

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    BA6395AFP HSOP28 BA6395AFP HSOP28) 100mA Q01321Ã BA6395AFP equivalent PDF


    Abstract: SPRS023 Video controller TMS320C80 C8050 0x0000B800 RASH ujt timer ujt timer CIRCUIT TMS320C80 320C80-40
    Text: TMS320C80 MULTIMEDIA VIDEO PROCESSOR SPRS023-J U L Y 1994 Single-Chip Parallel MIMD DSP Over 2 Billion RISC-Like Operations per Second GF PACKAGE B O TTO M V IE W 2 1 AP AM AK AH 4 Parallel Processors - 32-Bit Advanced DSP (ADSP) Processors - 64-Bit Opcode Provides Many Parallel

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    TMS320C80 SPRS023-JULY 32-Bit IEEE-754 64-Bit 320M-Byte/s 320C80-40 400M-Byte/S 320C80-50 SPRS023 Video controller TMS320C80 C8050 0x0000B800 RASH ujt timer ujt timer CIRCUIT TMS320C80 320C80-40 PDF


    Abstract: 8051 midi wireless keyboard 8051
    Text: GENERAL DESCRIPTION The FDC37C957FR incorporates an 8051 based keyboard controller; a Flash Interface; four PS/2 ports; real-time clock; SMC's true CMOS 765B FDC w ith advanced digital data separator and 16 byte data FIFO; tw o 16C550A compatible UARTs, the second UART

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    FDC37C957FR 16C550A Q01327 8051 midi wireless keyboard 8051 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ROCKWELL INTL./ SC PDTS D E 7Û11D73 D013203 lï~3203, D T '7 S ~ 3 7 - O S ~ R6551 R6551 Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter ACIA DESCRIPTION FEATURES The Rockwell R6551 Asynchronous Communications Interface Adapter (ACIA) provides an easily implemented, program con­

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    11D73 D013203 R6551 R6551 DD13SSB R6551_ PDF

    TLC271 equivalent

    Abstract: Tlc2711 TLC271 HB F 2480 TIC27 TLC271C DT317
    Text: TLC271, TLC271A, TLC271B LinCMOS PROGAMMABLE LOW-POWER OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS SI.OS090A - NOVEMBER 1987 - REVISED AUGUST 1994 D, JG, OR P PACKAGE CTOP VIEW Input Offset Voltage D r ift. . . Typically 0.1 |xV/Month, Including the First 30 Days Wide Range of Supply Voltages Over

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    TLC271, TLC271A, TLC271B OS090A SLQS090A- TLC271 equivalent Tlc2711 TLC271 HB F 2480 TIC27 TLC271C DT317 PDF


    Abstract: MAX439CPA cq 0765 SO47 MAX403 1N914 MAX402 MAX438 MAX439 MAX439CSA
    Text: 79-3786, Rev 2, 10/94 JVKJYXAJVX High-Speed, Low -Voltage, M icrop ow er Op Am ps The MAX402/MAX438 require less than 75|jA of supply current while delivering 2MHz bandwidth with 6V/ps slew rate MAX402 , and 6MHz gain bandwidth with lOV/ps slew rate (MAX438).

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    MAX402/MAX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 375pA 10MHz MAX403) MAX402CPA MAX439CPA cq 0765 SO47 MAX403 1N914 MAX402 MAX438 MAX439 MAX439CSA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 vkiyjxivM 9-3786, Rev 2, 10/94 H ig h -S p e e d , L o w -V o lta g e , M ic ro p o w e r Op A m p s The MAX402/M AX403/MAX438/MAX439 micropower op amps combine high-speed performance with low-power operation. The MAX402/MAX403 are compensated for unity-gain stability, while the MAX438/MAX439 are com­

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    MAX402/M AX403/MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX403 MAX438/MAX439 MAX402/MAX438 MAX402) MAX438) MAX403/MAX439 375pA 10MHz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IN T E G R A T E D C IR C U IT S UCC1885 UCC2885 UCC3885 UNITRQDE Micropower Secondary Regulation 1C ISDN I.430 RELATED FEATURES • Secondary-Side Voltage Sense for Improved Regulation • Restricted Mode Status Output • Precision Programmable Quiescent

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    UCC1885 UCC2885 UCC3885 UCC1885 UCC1883. 200ns G03-421-3460 PDF