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    7495 TTL SERIES IC Search Results

    7495 TTL SERIES IC Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    DM8160N Rochester Electronics LLC DM8160 - Magnitude Comparator, 8160 Series, 6-Bit, TTL, PDIP16 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    MC74F148N Rochester Electronics LLC MC74F148 - Encoder, F/FAST Series, 8-Bit, TTL, PDIP16 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    DM2502CN Rochester Electronics LLC DM2502 - Serial In Parallel Out, TTL/H/L Series, 8-Bit, Right Direction, True Output, TTL, PDIP16 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    DM7490AN Rochester Electronics LLC DM7490 - Decade Counter, TTL/H/L Series, Asynchronous, Negative Edge Triggered, 3-Bit, Up Direction, TTL, PDIP14 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    54H11DM/C Rochester Electronics LLC 54H11 - AND Gate, TTL/H/L Series, 3-Func, 3-Input, TTL Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    7495 TTL SERIES IC Datasheets Context Search

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    IC TTL 7432

    Abstract: IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 ttl 74118 74189 memory ic 74138 74189 ttl memory TTL 74289 RC4458 IC 74373 ttl 74592
    Text: Test and Measurement Systems Electronic Manufacturing Services ABI Electronics Limited Dodworth Business Park Barnsley S75 3SP South Yorkshire United Kingdom Tel: +44 0 1226 207420 Fax: +44 (0)1226 207620 ChipMaster Compact Professional IC List

    LM7808 LM7905 MAX667 MAX872 MAX874 REF02 REF03 REF05 REF43 TLE2425 IC TTL 7432 IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 ttl 74118 74189 memory ic 74138 74189 ttl memory TTL 74289 RC4458 IC 74373 ttl 74592 PDF


    Abstract: transistor tester 555
    Text: Application Note February 1997 ATT3000 Series FPGAs Test Methodology Introduction Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group is committed to building in the highest level of quality and reliability into its Field-Programmable Gate Arrays FPGAs . Quality is best ensured by taking the necessary steps to achieve zero defects. Comprehensive testing helps ensure that every FPGA device is

    ATT3000 ATT3000 AP97-011FPGA AP95-005FPGA) transistor tester 555 PDF


    Abstract: FC150A MW010a JC100A remote control 555 MC005A FE200 MH010 MC-010A fw300a1
    Text: Application Note September 1997 Design Guidelines for Power Module Remote On/Off Circuits Introduction Isolated-Closure Remote On/Off The remote on/off feature on Lucent Technologies Microelectronics Group board-mounted power modules BMPMs allows the user to switch the module on

    AP97-038EPS AP94-019EPS) jc100a1 FC150A MW010a JC100A remote control 555 MC005A FE200 MH010 MC-010A fw300a1 PDF


    Abstract: IN4148 BTF1A16G SO-G16
    Text: Data Sheet March 2001 Dual Differential Transceiver BTF1A With Idle Bus Indicator Features • Electrostatic discharge ESD performance better than the 41 Series Driver Features ■ Lower power requirement than the 41 Series ■ Produces a logic zero in third state

    DS01-068ANET-1 DS01-068ANET) BTF1A16G-TR IN4148 BTF1A16G SO-G16 PDF


    Abstract: 74189 7489 sram 4N34 89C51 interfacing with lcd display ic 74192 pin configuration interfacing 20x4 LCD with 89c51 IC 74189 DATA LEAP-U1 LEAPER-10 driver
    Text: COMPANY PROFILE 1 Leap Electronic was established in 1980 located in Taipei Taiwan. With great experienced employees, Leap has dedicated on test equipment and provided a whole and perfect environment of development. Additional, the Company has been qualified by major IC manufacturer such as ATMEL, AMD, MICROCHIP, WINBOND,etc.

    PIC16C52/54/54A PIC16C55/56/57/57A/58A PIC12C508/509 PIC16C61 PIC16C620/621/622 PIC16C71/710 PIC16C62/63/64/65 PICC16C72/73/74/74A PIC16C83/84 PIC17C42/42A/43/44 LEAPER-3 74189 7489 sram 4N34 89C51 interfacing with lcd display ic 74192 pin configuration interfacing 20x4 LCD with 89c51 IC 74189 DATA LEAP-U1 LEAPER-10 driver PDF

    7495 shift register

    Abstract: ttl 7495 7495 ttl msi 7495 7495 logic diagram 7495 shift register 7495 9395 ScansUX991
    Text: TTL/MSI 9395/5495, 7495 4-BIT RIGHT-SHIFT, LEFT-SHIFT REGISTER D E SC R IPT IO N — The TTL/M SI 9395/5495, 7495 Shift Register is composed of four RS master/ slave flip-flops, four A ND -O R-INVERT gates, one AND-OR gate and six inverters-drivers. Internal

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    IC TTL 7495 diagram and truth table

    Abstract: truth table of ic 7495 A IC 555 pin DIAGRAM and truth table
    Text: Preliminary Data Sheet August 1998 m icroelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations LUCDA4044 Phase Frequency Detector Features Applications • Typical propagation delay 9.0 ns through phase detector ■ Frequency synthesizers ■ Clock recovery

    OCR Scan
    LUCDA4044 14-pin DS98-390LEG IC TTL 7495 diagram and truth table truth table of ic 7495 A IC 555 pin DIAGRAM and truth table PDF

    7408 CMOS

    Abstract: TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395
    Text: KG10000 SERIES SEMI-CUSTOM CMOS GATE ARRAY CMOS SILOCON GATE ARRAY Th e KG10000 S e rie s is c o n sists o f s ilico n gate C M O S arrays w hose inte rco n n e ctio n are in itia lly u n s p e c ifie d , th e re fo re custom LSI is p ro ce sse d w ith o n ly one m ask ste p a cu sto m ize d m etal m ask a c c o rd ­

    OCR Scan
    KG10000 7408 CMOS TTL 7452 ttl 74183 LS 74141 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 7404 7408 7432 TTL 74289 74106 CMOS 4017 series ttl 74395 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet November 1997 m icroelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Dual Differential Transceivers TK1A,TL1A, a n d T M IA Features Description Driver Features The TK1 A, TL1 A, and TM1A devices are dual differ­ ential transceiver circuits that transmit and receive

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    DS98-042H DS97-465H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet August 1997 m ic r o e le c t r o n ic s group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Quad Differential Drivers DG1A, DP1A, DGLA, PNGA, PNPA, and PPGA Features • Pin-equivalent to the general-trade 26LS31 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption,

    OCR Scan
    26LS31 DS97-452H DS97-229LDRT) dp1a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet November 1997 m icro e le ctro n ics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Quad Differential Drivers DG1A, DP1A, DGLA, PNG A, PNPA, and PPGA Features • Pin-equivalent to the general-trade 26LS31 device, with improved speed, reduced power consumption,

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    26LS31 26LS32 26LS31, DS98-039HSI DS97-452HSI) DG1A PDF

    IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram

    Abstract: binary to gray code conversion using ic 74157 Multiplexer IC 74151 16 bit odd even parity checker using two IC 74180 binary to gray code conversion using ic 74139 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 ic 74151 ic 74148 block diagram MSI IC 74138 decoder
    Text: s I SEMICONDUCTOR GROUP 23E D • t?54E40 G00fl535 1 "T-q2-q \ p a rtII CMOS STANDARD CELL LSI MSM91H000 SERIES ¿U S' This M a terial C o p y r i g h t e d B y Its R e s p e c t i v e M a n u f a c t u r e r O K I SEMICONDUCTOR GROUP 23E D ■ b72M240 DGGÔ23b G

    OCR Scan
    MSM91H000 b72MS40 DQQ023b t-42-41 b724240 IC 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram binary to gray code conversion using ic 74157 Multiplexer IC 74151 16 bit odd even parity checker using two IC 74180 binary to gray code conversion using ic 74139 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder full adder using Multiplexer IC 74151 ic 74151 ic 74148 block diagram MSI IC 74138 decoder PDF


    Abstract: DS78LS120 DS88LS120 DS88LS120N RS423 ds7831 rs-422 TTL C17k
    Text: DS78LS120/DS88LS120 National 4 i i Semiconductor DS78LS120/DS88LS120 Dual Differential Line Receiver Noise Filtering and Fail-Safe General Description The DS78LS120 and DS88LS120 are high performance, dual differential, TTL compatible line receivers for both bal­

    OCR Scan
    DS78LS120/DS88LS120 DS78LS120 DS88LS120 tl/F/7499-2 0ZLS188SCI/0ZlS 19ZSa MIL-188-114 DS88LS120N RS423 ds7831 rs-422 TTL C17k PDF

    74191, 74192, 74193 circuit diagram

    Abstract: IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 Truth Table 74161 counter schematic diagram 74161 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 74244 uses and functions counter 74168 74191, 74192, 74193 truth table of ic 7495 A schematic diagram for the IC of 7411
    Text: P L S -W S /H P MAX+PLUS II Programmable Logic Software for HP/Apollo Workstations Data Sheet September 1991, ver. 3 Features □ □ LI LI □ □ □ □ General Description Software support for Classic, M A X 5000, M A X 7000, and ST G E P L D s Runs on H ew lett Packard /A p o llo Series 3000, 3500, 4000, 4500, and

    OCR Scan
    HP400 QIC-24, 60-Mbytetape 74191, 74192, 74193 circuit diagram IC 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 Truth Table 74161 counter schematic diagram 74161 7408, 7404, 7486, 7432 74244 uses and functions counter 74168 74191, 74192, 74193 truth table of ic 7495 A schematic diagram for the IC of 7411 PDF

    ci 7495

    Abstract: 47X18 LC020A LC020B LC020C LC020F VDE0805 lucent technologies W series
    Text: Advance Data Sheet January 1997 m icroelectronics group a K Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations LC020 Single-Output Series Power Module: 18 Vdc to 36 Vdc Inputs; 20 W Features • Low profile: 9.9 mm 0.390 in. with standoffs, 9.53 mm (0.375 in.) with standoffs recessed

    OCR Scan
    LC020 adjust086 DS96-002EPS 0002bfl4 ci 7495 47X18 LC020A LC020B LC020C LC020F VDE0805 lucent technologies W series PDF

    Lucent receiver

    Abstract: 1330DE 1330BE S124a
    Text: m ic r o e le c t r o n ic s group Data Sheet August 1997 Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations 1330-Type Lightwave Receiver with Clock Recovery and Data Retiming • Positive ECL-level outputs ■ CMOS TTL link-status flag output ■ Operating case temperature range:

    OCR Scan
    1330-Type OC-12 DS97-263LW DS96-240LW Lucent receiver 1330DE 1330BE S124a PDF


    Abstract: lucent technologies Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier
    Text: Data Sheet January 1999 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Optical Amplifier Platform, 1724-Type Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier S and V Series Applications • D esigned fo r a v a rie ty of applications: — S S eries: single channel — V S eries: video

    OCR Scan
    1724-Type S98-412LW 724D lucent technologies Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier PDF


    Abstract: 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent
    Text: N T E ELECTRONICS INC 17E H ^3125=1 G0G513S Q B - o S V. ! - TRANSISTOR-TRANSISTOR LOGIC INCLUDES SERIES 74C CMOS NTE TYPE NO. •DESCRIPTION . 7214 7400 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 3-State Sel/Mlpx Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos Quad 2-Input Pos

    OCR Scan
    G0G513S 74C00 74H00 74LS00 74S00 74H01 74LS01 74C02 74LS02 74S02 74LS324 7400 TTL 74LS327 7402, 7404, 7408, 7432, 7400 80C96 74251 multiplexer 74C923 equivalent Flip-Flop 7473 74LS324 equivalent 74C08 equivalent PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet August 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Dual Differential Transceivers TK1A,TL1A, andT M IA Features Description Driver Features The TK1 A, TL1 A, and TM1A devices are dual differ­ ential transceiver circuits that transmit and receive

    OCR Scan
    cl344 DS97-465H S97-231LDRT) 005002b PDF

    asynchronous 4bit up down counter using jk flip flop

    Abstract: counter 74168 Multiplexer 74152 3-8 decoder 74138 synchronous counter using 4 flip flip 74183 alu 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder MH 74151 counter 74169 74169 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER
    Text: • GENERAL DESCRIPTION T h e M S M 7 0 V 0 0 0 series is the gate array LSI based on the m aster slice m e th o d using the high p erfo rm an ce silicon gate 1.5 m ic ro n H C M O S process w ith th e d u a l-la y e r m etal structure. T his series has th e features to easily realize fu n c tio n s o f th e s c h m itt trigger, c ry s ta l/

    OCR Scan
    MSM70V000 MSM70V000, asynchronous 4bit up down counter using jk flip flop counter 74168 Multiplexer 74152 3-8 decoder 74138 synchronous counter using 4 flip flip 74183 alu 7444 series Excess-3-gray code to Decimal decoder MH 74151 counter 74169 74169 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet November 1997 mi cr oel ect roni cs group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Dual Differential Transceivers TK1A,TL1A, andTMIA Features Description Driver Features The TK1 A, TL1 A, and TM1A devices are dual differ­ ential transceiver circuits that transmit and receive

    OCR Scan
    DS98-042HSI DS97-465HSI) 005002t, 302B171 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Data Sheet August 1997 microelectronics group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations Dual Differential Transceivers TK1A,TL1A, an d T M IA Features Description Driver Features The TK1 A, TL1 A, and TM1A devices are dual differ­ ential transceiver circuits that transmit and receive

    OCR Scan
    DS97-465HSI DS97-231LDRT) PDF


    Abstract: 74139 demultiplexer 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram 3-8 decoder 74138 CI 74151 pin diagram 41 multiplexer 74153 JK Shift Register 74195 bcd counter using j-k flip flop diagram Multiplexer 74153 CI 74138
    Text: AUGUST 1984 semiconductor MSM60300, MSM60700, MSM61000 CMOS GATE ARRAYS GENERAL DESCRIPTION FEATURES The OKI MSM60300, MSM60700, and MSM61000 gate arrays are fabricated using state-of-the-art 3/i dual-layer metal silicon gate CMOS technology. A unit cell consists of 4 pairs o f transistors

    OCR Scan
    MSM60300, MSM60700, MSM61000 MSM61000 74169 SYNCHRONOUS 4-BIT BINARY COUNTER 74139 demultiplexer 3-8 decoder 74138 pin diagram 3-8 decoder 74138 CI 74151 pin diagram 41 multiplexer 74153 JK Shift Register 74195 bcd counter using j-k flip flop diagram Multiplexer 74153 CI 74138 PDF


    Abstract: 1310PC signetics linear databook lucent OC12 receiver DS94-159LWP
    Text: microelectronics Data Sheet November 1996 group Lucent Technologies Bell Labs Innovations 1310-Type ASTROTEC Lightwave Receiver Features • Data rates to 1100 Mbits/s ■ Wide dynamic range ■ SONET/SDH compliant models for OC-3/STM-1 and OC-12/STM-4 ■ Space-saving, self-contained, 20-pin DIP

    OCR Scan
    1310-Type OC-12/STM-4 20-pin DS96-368LW DS94-159LWP DS94-160LW Astrotec 1310PC signetics linear databook lucent OC12 receiver PDF