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    BC183 3 Search Results

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    BC183 3 Price and Stock

    KEMET Corporation F462BC183M1K0L

    Film Capacitors 1000V 18000pF 20%
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics F462BC183M1K0L
    • 1 $0.54
    • 10 $0.404
    • 100 $0.308
    • 1000 $0.224
    • 10000 $0.224
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    KEMET Corporation F462BC183K1K0L

    Film Capacitors 1000V 18000pF 10%
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics F462BC183K1K0L
    • 1 $0.7
    • 10 $0.496
    • 100 $0.34
    • 1000 $0.283
    • 10000 $0.239
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    KEMET Corporation F462BC183K1K0R

    Film Capacitors 1000V 18000pF 10%
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics F462BC183K1K0R
    • 1 $0.7
    • 10 $0.493
    • 100 $0.338
    • 1000 $0.237
    • 10000 $0.197
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    KEMET Corporation F462BC183M1K0R

    Film Capacitors 1000V 18000pF 20%
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics F462BC183M1K0R
    • 1 $0.71
    • 10 $0.496
    • 100 $0.341
    • 1000 $0.219
    • 10000 $0.219
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    KEMET Corporation F462BC183J1K0R

    Film Capacitors 1000V 18000pF 5%
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics F462BC183J1K0R
    • 1 $0.72
    • 10 $0.509
    • 100 $0.349
    • 1000 $0.245
    • 10000 $0.204
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    BC183 3 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    BC184 pin out

    Abstract: BC183 BC182 BC182B BC182A BC184
    Text: BC182,A,B BC183 BC184 Amplifier Transistors NPN Silicon MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol BC182 BC183 BC184 Unit Collector–Emitter Voltage VCEO 50 30 30 Vdc Collector–Base Voltage VCBO 60 45 45 Vdc Emitter–Base Voltage VEBO 6.0 Vdc Collector Current — Continuous

    BC182 BC183 BC184 BC182 r14525 BC182/D BC184 pin out BC183 BC182B BC182A BC184 PDF

    BC182 NPN transistor datasheet

    Abstract: transistor bc182 BC183 BC182 NPN transistor bc182 BC183 transistor BC182 datasheet bc182* transistor BC184 DATASHEET BC184
    Text: BC182BC184 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor for general purpose amplifier applications 1. Collector 2. Base 3. Emitter TO-92 Plastic Package Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 OC Parameter Symbol Value Unit Collector Base Voltage BC182 BC183, BC184

    BC182. BC184 BC182 BC183, BC182 NPN transistor datasheet transistor bc182 BC183 BC182 NPN transistor bc182 BC183 transistor BC182 datasheet bc182* transistor BC184 DATASHEET BC184 PDF


    Abstract: BC182 BC184 pin out bc184 BC183 BC182-18 BC184-B-C BC183A 2N5551 TO92 india limited BC184B
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company BC182, A, B BC183, A, B, C BC184, B, C NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS TO-92 Plastic Package C For Lead Free Parts, Device Part # will be Prefixed with "T"

    BC182, BC183, BC184, BC182 BC183 184Rev 201205E C-120 CBC184 BC182 BC184 pin out bc184 BC182-18 BC184-B-C BC183A 2N5551 TO92 india limited BC184B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Continental Device India Limited An ISO/TS 16949, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 Certified Company BC182, A, B BC183, A, B, C BC184, B, C NPN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS TO-92 Plastic Package C For Lead Free Parts, Device Part # will be Prefixed with "T"

    BC182, BC183, BC184, BC182 BC183 184Rev 201205E C-120 PDF


    Abstract: transistor BC184 BC184 BC184 transistor transistor bc182 BC183 BC182 transistor BC182 NPN transistor datasheet BC182A BC182B
    Text: ST BC182 BC184 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Amplifier Transistors On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 oC Collector Base Voltage

    BC182 BC184 BC183 BC182 transistor BC184 BC184 BC184 transistor transistor bc182 BC183 BC182 transistor BC182 NPN transistor datasheet BC182A BC182B PDF


    Abstract: BC182 BC182 NPN transistor datasheet transistor bc182 bc184 BC184 DATASHEET BC182A BC182B BC183 transistor BC182 transistor
    Text: ST BC182 BC184 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Amplifier Transistors On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 oC Collector Base Voltage

    BC182 BC184 BC183 bc183 BC182 BC182 NPN transistor datasheet transistor bc182 bc184 BC184 DATASHEET BC182A BC182B BC183 transistor BC182 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BC183 BC184 transistor bc182 BC182A BC182B transistor BC184 bc182 transistor BC184 transistor
    Text: ST BC182 BC184 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Amplifier Transistors On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 oC Collector Base Voltage

    BC182 BC184 BC183 BC182 BC183 BC184 transistor bc182 BC182A BC182B transistor BC184 bc182 transistor BC184 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BC184 transistor bc182 BC183 transistor BC184 BC184 transistor transistor bc182B bc182 transistor ST transistor BC184 NPN
    Text: ST BC182 BC184 NPN Silicon Epitaxial Planar Transistor Amplifier Transistors On special request, these transistors can be manufactured in different pin configurations. TO-92 Plastic Package Weight approx. 0.19g Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25 oC Collector Base Voltage

    BC182 BC184 BC183 BC182 BC184 transistor bc182 BC183 transistor BC184 BC184 transistor transistor bc182B bc182 transistor ST transistor BC184 NPN PDF


    Abstract: MPSA18 BC550 low noise transistors SS9018 MPS4250 "cross-reference" BC238 BC239 BC212 KSP6521 MPS4250A
    Text: Small Signal Low Noise Transistors Part No. and Polarity NPN NF Max. hFE Condition Frequency V CEO MPS6523 MPS4250A MPS4250 PN4248 PN4250 BC212 BC308 BC309 BC560 SS9015 3.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.5 3.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 10.0 10.0 Audio Audio Audio Audio

    MPS6523 MPS4250A MPS4250 PN4248 PN4250 BC212 BC308 BC309 BC560 SS9015 SS9014 MPSA18 BC550 low noise transistors SS9018 MPS4250 "cross-reference" BC238 BC239 BC212 KSP6521 MPS4250A PDF


    Abstract: BC182 BC184 bc183 motorola BC182A BC182B BC183
    Text: MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA Amplifier Transistors BC182,A,B BC183 BC184 NPN Silicon COLLECTOR EMITTER MAXIMUM RATINGS Rating Symbol BC182 BC183 BC184 Unit Collector- Emitter Voltage VCEO 50 30 30 Vdc Collector-Base Voltage VCBO 60 45 45 Emitter-Base Voltage

    OCR Scan
    BC182 BC183 BC184 BC184 O-226AA) cbc182 bc183 motorola BC182A BC182B PDF


    Abstract: BCY59A ZTX304 ZTX302 BC107A BC107B BC182 BC237 BC546A BC546B
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR DICE NPN SMALL SIGNAL TRANSISTORS V CBO V CEO IcBO Min. Min. Max. at V CB Volts Volts BC 546A BC546B Z TX304 BC Y65EA BC182 BC 107A BC107B BC237 BC 547A BC547B BC550B BC550C B C Y59A BC Y59B BCY59C BCY59D 2N930 Z TX303 BC183 BC184 ZTX302 ZTX301

    OCR Scan
    BC546A BC546B ZTX304 BCY65EA BC182 BC107A BC107B BC237 BC547A BC548B BC238 BCY59A ZTX302 PDF


    Abstract: BC183B MOTOROLA 2904S cbc182 BC184C transistors BC 183 BC182 bc184b BC183 2 bc184
    Text: MOTORCLA SC ISE D I t.3t.755M QaflSfl31 2 | XSTRS/R F - r r W 7 BC182, A, B BC183, A, B, C BC184, B, C M A X IM U M RATINGS Sym bol R a t in g BC BC BC 182 183 184 U n it C o lle c to r-E m itte r V o lta g e VcEO 50 30 30

    OCR Scan
    QaflSfl31 BC182 BC183 bc183b BC183B MOTOROLA 2904S cbc182 BC184C transistors BC 183 bc184b BC183 2 bc184 PDF


    Abstract: BC133 SC183 bc1838 8C132 BC107 characteristic BC1848 8C237 BC183 3c184
    Text: i 356- 5 2 °i COMPONENTS M A X IM U M R A T IN G S BC182 BC183 BC184 R atin g ac ac ac Sym bol Unit 182 133 134 C A S E 29-02, S T Y L E 17 TO-92 TO -22 6A A Collector-Smitter Voltage ! v CE0 50 30 30 Vdc Coiiector-3asa V o io g a i, VC30 50 IS 45 vdc

    OCR Scan
    BC182 BC183 8C184 to-92 to-226aa) bc1828 BC133 SC183 bc1838 8C132 BC107 characteristic BC1848 8C237 3c184 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SbE 3> • ^70570 0DG7DM7 3 3 1 ■ Z E T B SEMICONDUCTOR DICE zetex semiconductors NPN SM ALL SIGNAL TRA N SISTO R S V CBO V CE0 hFE at •CBO Dice type Min. Min. Max. at V CB Volts Volts BC 546A BC546B ZTX304 BCY65EA BC182 BC 107A BC107B BC237 BC 547A BC547B

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BC148B BC147A BC149B BC148A BC149C BC148C BC148 BC157A BC158B
    Text: ADVANI OERLIKON/ SEMICOND / 3bE ]> B OSblbMÖ O O O O D I O M M S E LI A s i l ic o n t r a n s i s t o r s NPN ‘ PNP Po =0.25W gTa«2B°C Caso: SOT-25 JBC147 BC147A >' BC147B < BC148 BC148A £ BC148B BC148C 080149 , BC149B /•BC149C f BC157 Vr BC157A , BC157B

    OCR Scan
    OT-25 Te-25Â Ta-25Â O-106 BC147 EBC147 BC147A EBC147A BC147B EBC147B BC148B BC149B BC148A BC149C BC148C BC148 BC157A BC158B PDF


    Abstract: BC171B BC172B BC174 BC172 bc184c BC171A BC172A BC172C BC174A
    Text: «UHM P M C n p g ^ r l i l S W W W M Electrical Characteristics Ta=25”C, Unless Otherwise Specified Maximum Ratings Type No. Po 'c (W) (A) Tc=25°< e 'c & (mA) nf C„ COIL 0 Freq (MHz) (pH Case Max Style ^CBO V CE0 ^ ebo (V) Min (V) Min (V) Min

    OCR Scan
    BC171A O-92-4 BC171B BC172 BC172A BC183A bc1828 BC172B BC174 bc184c BC172C BC174A PDF

    MPSA18 BC550

    Abstract: marking 2C marking 2D BC846 National Semiconductor Discrete catalog MPSA18 BC558 BC184 BC550 tr bc548 2N3117 bc857 to 92 2N5210 national
    Text: . Low Noise Am plifiers t,8E J> r Device VcEQ «l>t (Volte) Min 65 NPN Min Max BC546 110 450 BC846 110 300 Typ T0-92(97) 1,2C 10 300 Typ TO-236* 1,2C Notes 2 75 475 2 10 300 Typ TO-92(97) 1,2C 475 2 10 300 Typ TO-236* 1,2C 100 500 0.01 3 60 2N2484 TO-18 2F

    OCR Scan
    LSD113D 0D3152M BC546 T0-92 BC846 O-236* BC556 BC856 2N2484 MPSA18 BC550 marking 2C marking 2D BC846 National Semiconductor Discrete catalog MPSA18 BC558 BC184 BC550 tr bc548 2N3117 bc857 to 92 2N5210 national PDF


    Abstract: bc547b ferranti BCY59A bcy59b 2N3903 2N3904 BC107A BC107B BC182 BC237A
    Text: ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS N.P.N. SM ALL SIG N AL TR A N SISTO RS hFE VcBO V ceo ICBO @ Min. Min. Max.atVcs lc Dice Type V V nA V Min. Max. mA BC546A BC546B BCY65EA BC182 2N3903 2N3904 BC107A BC107B BC237A BC237B BC547A BC547B BC550B BC550C BCY59A BCY59B BCY59C

    OCR Scan
    BC546A BC546B BCY65EA BC182 2N3903 2N3904 BC107A BC107B BC237A BC237B BCY58C bc547b ferranti BCY59A bcy59b PDF


    Abstract: BCY59A 2N1131 2N1132 2N3053 2N4037 2N696 2N697 BC107 BC177
    Text: < Type o< OD NPN LOW LEVEL V ceo M ax *c M a x V CE sat| at V mA V 'c mA Min fT at hFE at Continued Pto, at = 2ag * C Iß Min M ax 'c m A MHz mA mW mA Package Comple­ ment 2N3053 60 40 700 1.4 150 15 50 250 150 100 50 1000 TO-39 2N4037 2N696 60 40 500 1.5

    OCR Scan
    2N3053 2N4037 2N696 2N1131 2N697 2N1132 BFY51 BSY51 BSY52 BC107 BCY56 BCY59A 2N1131 2N1132 2N4037 BC177 PDF

    BC548 Texas Instruments

    Abstract: SX3711 BC182L complementary 2N3708 BC183L BC214 alternative BC182 BC547 2n4058 bc182l pin configuration pnp transistor BC557
    Text: 1 Silect Coding Silect transistors are coded on the indexing flat of the TO-92 outline. Pin Configurations The majority of Silect transistors shown are available in several alternative case outlines or pin configurations which include many pre-formed lead types. Devices are therefore available

    OCR Scan
    SX4061 2N4061T05 2N3709, 2N4062 SX4062 2N4062T05 2N3710, 2N3711 BC546 BC547 BC548 Texas Instruments SX3711 BC182L complementary 2N3708 BC183L BC214 alternative BC182 BC547 2n4058 bc182l pin configuration pnp transistor BC557 PDF


    Abstract: BC148 hfe maximum BC186 BC181 BC147 BC157 BC190 BC206 BC149 bc182l
    Text: Low Level and General Purpose Amplifiers TYPE POLA­ NO. RITY CASE M AXIM UM RATINGS Pd IC VCEO mW (mA) (V) HFE min V CE(sat) max IT Cob N.F. IC VCE max IC m in max max (mA) (V) (V) (mA) (M Hz) (MHz) (dB) 5 5 5 5 5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.35 100 100 100 50 1 150

    OCR Scan
    BC107 BC108 BC109 BC110 BC113 O-106 BC114 BC132 BC148 BC148 hfe maximum BC186 BC181 BC147 BC157 BC190 BC206 BC149 bc182l PDF


    Abstract: ZTX304 ZTX108 BC107P BC182P BC212P BC546P BC547P BC556P BC557P
    Text: TABLE 1: NPN GENERAL PURPOSE The d e vice s s h o w n in this table are general p urpose tra n sisto rs d esigned for sm all signal am plification from d.c. to radio frequencies. Typical application areas include: A U D IO F R E Q U E N C Y A M P L IF IE R S , D R IV E R S and O U T P U T S T A G E S , O S C IL L A T O R S , A N D G E N E R A L

    OCR Scan
    BC546P BC556P ZTX304 ZTX504 BC182P BC212P ZTX107 ZTX212 BC547P BC557P bc238 ZTX108 BC107P BC212P BC556P BC557P PDF


    Abstract: N705 bcv-59 ZTX301

    OCR Scan
    000b675 BC546A BC546B BCY65EA BC182 BC107A BC107B BC237 BC547A BC547B bcv59 N705 bcv-59 ZTX301 PDF

    BC239C equivalent

    Abstract: BC550C equivalent bc237a equivalent bc238b equivalent BC548C equivalent bc238a equivalent bc108b equivalent bc549c equivalent bc183 equivalent BC237B equivalent
    Text: MICRO-E MICRO-E PRODUCT LIST Where approval for military use has been obtained the appropriate British Standards number is indicated under B.S. number. Diodes Transistors Type Device marking BFS36 BFS36A BFS37 L1 L2 L3 BFS37A BFS38 BFS38A BFS39 BFS40 BFS40A

    OCR Scan
    BFS36 2N930 BS9365 BAW63 BS9302 BFS36A 2N929 BAW63A BC239C equivalent BC550C equivalent bc237a equivalent bc238b equivalent BC548C equivalent bc238a equivalent bc108b equivalent bc549c equivalent bc183 equivalent BC237B equivalent PDF