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    BUSY286 Search Results

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    Abstract: 8088 motherboard schematics ASC 8.000MHz crystal oscillator cpu 416-2 DP CQA03 coa030 sd 7406 ero 1818 74ALS245 TI HA 7406
    Text: G-TUO -CE} INC D 5 D E I 3 7 7 7 4 7 S OGGOOt ,4 S I i i u i u i 7v ; c i o 2 12/16MHz PC/AT Compatible C h ip set Features Description • Highly Integrated PC/AT Com­ patible Three Chip Set. The GC101/GC102 is a fully IBM PC/AT compatible chip set support­

    OCR Scan
    377747S 12/16MHZ 16MHz 12MHz GC101/GC102 16MHz. /RAS40 /RAS6080 RAS40 GC102 8088 motherboard schematics ASC 8.000MHz crystal oscillator cpu 416-2 DP CQA03 coa030 sd 7406 ero 1818 74ALS245 TI HA 7406 PDF

    c106 1006

    Abstract: GC101-12 C144 sa 2n3904, itt GC101 41256 ram memory mapper A1723 GC101/GC102 GC101-16
    Text: GCIOI / GC102 12/16 MHZ PC/AT COMPATIBLE CHIP SET G2 Description Features • Highly integrated PC /A T compatible three chip set. • Supports up to 4 M eg D R A M using 1M or 256k devices. • Available in 16MHz and 12MHz ver­ sions. • Designed in CM OS for low power

    OCR Scan
    GC102 16MHz 12MHz GC101/GC102 16MHz. implemented/RAS100 /RAS100 c106 1006 GC101-12 C144 sa 2n3904, itt GC101 41256 ram memory mapper A1723 GC101-16 PDF

    intel 82230

    Abstract: ibm at motherboard 80286 82288 80286 chipset intel 80286 TECHNICAL pc motherboard schematics 80287 computer schematics 80286 82230 intel
    Text: in te i 82230/82231 HIGH INTEGRATION AT*-COMPATIBLE CHIP SET • Fully IBM PC-AT* System Compatible ■ Two Chip Set Replaces the Major Logic Functions of the IBM PC-AT Motherboard Including the Functions of all the Microprocessor Peripherals: — 8259A Programmable Interrupt

    OCR Scan
    74LS612 83230or intel 82230 ibm at motherboard 80286 82288 80286 chipset intel 80286 TECHNICAL pc motherboard schematics 80287 computer schematics 80286 82230 intel PDF


    Abstract: intel 80387sx pvga1 weitek 80387sx ibm technical faraday 80386 paradise vga FE6500 80387/80387SX
    Text: Advance Information FE6000 Enhanced CPU and Peripheral Control Logic □ □ □ 100% Hardware RegisterLevel and Software Compatible to the IBM TM Personal System/2TM Models SO, 60,70 and 80 Functionality Equivalent to the following: Two 8259 Interrupt Controllers

    OCR Scan
    FE6000 80386SX 80387/80387SX, 03595s fe5030 intel 80387sx pvga1 weitek 80387sx ibm technical faraday 80386 paradise vga FE6500 80387/80387SX PDF

    386SX chipset

    Abstract: OTI-020 CHIPset for 80286
    Text: OAK T E C H N O L O G Y INC SSE » • b 7 2 T MD S □OGOEb'i SID « O A K T " T - 5 Z - 3 3 - Q S~ Product Overview December 1991 OAK TECHNOLOGY, INC. OTI-020 286/386SX Desktop Chip Set Features ■ Supports 286 and 386SX CPU for 8 MHz to 25 MHz system speed.

    OCR Scan
    OTI-020 286/386SX 386SX OTI-O21, OTI-022, 386SX 386SX chipset OTI-020 CHIPset for 80286 PDF

    TI 74LS612

    Abstract: intel 82230 82231 intel A20-GATE programmable interrupt controller 8259 pc motherboard schematics CHIPset for 80286 80286 chipset 80286 microprocessor schematics memory mapper
    Text: intJ 82230/82231 HIGH INTEGRATION AT*-COMPATIBLE CHIP SET Fully IBM PC-AT* System Compatible Two Chip Set Replaces the Major Logic Functions of the IBM PC-AT Motherboard Including the Functions of all the Microprocessor Peripherals: — 8259A Programmable Interrupt

    OCR Scan
    74LS612 Contro36. TI 74LS612 intel 82230 82231 intel A20-GATE programmable interrupt controller 8259 pc motherboard schematics CHIPset for 80286 80286 chipset 80286 microprocessor schematics memory mapper PDF


    Abstract: 82385 82385sx oti0 OTI042 OTI-040 386SX notebook 8042 controller CHIPset for 80286 Oak Frequency Control
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY I NC SSE D • b7E^M05 G000221 b43 H O A K T ~ r-S Z -3 3 -{2 S ' Product Overview December 1991 OAK TECHNOLOGY, INC. OTI-040 286/386SX Core Logic Subsystem Features ■ ■ ■ ■ Supports 286 and 386SX CPU for 8 MHz to 25 MHz system speed.

    OCR Scan
    G000221 OTI-040 286/386SX 386SX 386SX 82385SX OTI-041 000023S 82385 oti0 OTI042 386SX notebook 8042 controller CHIPset for 80286 Oak Frequency Control PDF


    Abstract: VL82C101B-QC VL82C101B VL82C101bQC DIR245 80287 IOCS16 VL82C1
    Text: VLSI Tech no lo gy, in c . VL82C101B PC/AT-COMPATIBLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully compatible with IBM PC/AT-type designs The VL82C101B PC/AT-Compatible System Controller replaces an 82C284 Clock Controller and 82C288 Bus Controller both are used in ‘286-based

    OCR Scan
    VL82C101B VL82C101B 82C284 82C288 286-based 82C84A PAL16L8 VL82C101 VL82C101B-QC VL82C101bQC DIR245 80287 IOCS16 VL82C1 PDF

    Interfacing of 32k ram and 16K EPROM with 8085

    Abstract: a7w 89 a7w 97 A7W 66 EMS 20-50 W08C A7W 88 a7w 71 code a7w a7w 35
    Text: 1991 National Æ Æ Semiconductor ADVANCE INFORMATION November 1990 P C 8 7 1 2 0 S u p e r AT 1.0 General Description Features The PC87120, Super AT, implements most of the medium scale/small scale integration circuits used in building an 80286 processor kernel in one chip. With the PC87120, a

    OCR Scan
    PC87120 PC87120, 80286-based Interfacing of 32k ram and 16K EPROM with 8085 a7w 89 a7w 97 A7W 66 EMS 20-50 W08C A7W 88 a7w 71 code a7w a7w 35 PDF


    Abstract: sd 7406 oti022 82385sx CHIPset for 80286 386sx chipset 7406 TTL 80386 chipset 8042 controller 82385
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC SSE » • b72T4D5 00002^ 5 1D M O A K T "T-5Z-33- a>s~ Product Overview December 1991 OAK TECHNOLOGY, INC. OTI-020 286/386SX Desktop Chip Set Features ■ Supports 28 6 and 386SX C PU for 8 M H z to 25 M Hz sy stem speed. Reduced inventory ; same design

    OCR Scan
    b72T4DS T-5Z-33- OTI-020 286/386SX 386SX 386SX 82385SX 16-bit OTI-021, sd 7406 oti022 CHIPset for 80286 386sx chipset 7406 TTL 80386 chipset 8042 controller 82385 PDF

    d lt 7210

    Abstract: RC162 80287A lt 7210 um82c54 um82c288 UM82C8
    Text: UMC UM82C287 WÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÈÊÊKÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊ PC /AT C om patible WÊÊÊtÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊttÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊÊk Chip Set Features • 100% hardware and software compatible with the IBM PC-AT ■ Optional wait state generator 12 MHz with one wait

    OCR Scan
    UM82C287 UM82C84 UM82C284 UM82C288 UM82C54 84-pin UM82C287) UM82C284, UM82C84 UM82C283 d lt 7210 RC162 80287A lt 7210 UM82C8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VLSI Technology, inc . VL82C201 PC/AT-COMPATIBLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully compatible with IBM PC/AT-type designs The VL82C201 PC/AT-Compatible System Controller replaces an 82C284 Clock Controller and an 82C288 Bus Controller both are used in ‘286-based

    OCR Scan
    VL82C201 VL82C201 82C284 82C288 286-based 82C84A PAL16L8 T-90-20 100-PIN PDF


    Abstract: microchannel ibm technical ibm technical microchannel paradise vga FE5000
    Text: WESTERN D I G I T A L CORP HIE D EM RAJJAY A W estern D i g i t a l C o m p a n y * • =i ?l fi E2fl DOObDl S 5 ■ . T -S 2-33-/S A d V 3 IlC 6 In fo m iB tlO Il FE5000 Enhanced CPU and Peripheral Control Logic 100% Hardware Register Level and Software

    OCR Scan
    FE5000 2-33-/S f7c54c 1cf8c55o FE5400 microchannel ibm technical ibm technical microchannel paradise vga FE5000 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 1 2 mi National ÆÆ Semiconductor ADVANCE INFORMATION November 1990 PC87120 Super AT 1.0 General Description Features The PC87120, Super AT, implements most of the medium scale/sm all scale integration circuits used in building an 80286 processor kernel in one chip. With the PC87120, a

    OCR Scan
    PC87120 PC87120, 80286-based 74LS612 MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT intel 80286 PDF

    80286 microprocessor pin description

    Abstract: intel 82230 computer schematics 80286 intel 80286 pin diagram intel 8284 clock generator PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT MANUAL msi intel 8284 clock generator circuit diagram ibm at motherboard 80286 ibm schematics 80286 CHIPset for 80286
    Text: in U 82230/82231 HIGH INTEGRATION AT*-COMPATIBLE CHIP SET Fully IBM PC-AT* System Compatible Two Chip Set Replaces the Major Logic Functions of the IBM PC-AT Motherboard Including the Functions of all the Microprocessor Peripherals: — 8259A Programmable Interrupt

    OCR Scan
    74LS612 -51-ii 100pF 220il B2230 80286 microprocessor pin description intel 82230 computer schematics 80286 intel 80286 pin diagram intel 8284 clock generator PC MOTHERBOARD CIRCUIT MANUAL msi intel 8284 clock generator circuit diagram ibm at motherboard 80286 ibm schematics 80286 CHIPset for 80286 PDF


    Abstract: td68 VL82C201-16QC TH58 CHIP SM 4108 VL82C2 80287 Coprocessor 1D68 SU17
    Text: VLSI Tech n o lo gy , in c . VL82C201 PC/AT-COM PATI BLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Fully compatible with IBM PC/AT-type designs The VL82C201 PC/AT-Compatible System Controller replaces an 82C284 Clock Controller and an 82C288 Bus Controller both are used in ‘286-based

    OCR Scan
    VL82C201 VL82C201 82C284 82C288 286-based 82C84A PAL16L8 100-PIN T-90-20 td68 VL82C201-16QC TH58 CHIP SM 4108 VL82C2 80287 Coprocessor 1D68 SU17 PDF

    8237 DMA

    Abstract: OTI042 8042 Keyboard Controller program y803 CHIPset for 80286 oak osc 87 oscillator OTI-037
    Text: OAK T E C H N O L O G Y INC SSE D • b72T4Q5 Q000221 LM3 H O A K T T -S 2 .-3 3 -& 5 ' Product Overview December 1991 OAK TECHNOLOGY, INC. OTI-040 286/386SX Core Logic Subsystem Features ■ ■ ■ ■ Supports 286 and 386SX CPU for 8 MHz to 25 MHz system speed.

    OCR Scan
    b72T4Q5 Q000221 OTI-040 286/386SX 386SX OTI-O41, OTI-042, OTI-O41 8237 DMA OTI042 8042 Keyboard Controller program y803 CHIPset for 80286 oak osc 87 oscillator OTI-037 PDF