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    LM3291TMX/NOPB Texas Instruments RF Power Envelope Modulator for Power Amplifiers 12-DSBGA -30 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments
    LM3291TME/NOPB Texas Instruments RF Power Envelope Modulator for Power Amplifiers 12-DSBGA -30 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments
    LM3290TME/NOPB Texas Instruments RF Power Envelope Modulator for Power Amplifiers 30-DSBGA -30 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments
    LM3290TMX/NOPB Texas Instruments RF Power Envelope Modulator for Power Amplifiers 30-DSBGA -30 to 85 Visit Texas Instruments

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    Abstract: RS421A
    Text: MISM-3V1 REED SWITCH • • • • • • Features Surface mounting normally open switch Ultra-miniature size with 7.00mm x 1.80 mm 0.276” x 0.071” glass envelope Capable of switching 170Vdc or 0.5A at up to 10W 1012 Ohms insulation resistance

    170Vdc B2737 L4991 RS421A PDF


    Abstract: 600D 600E BT138
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Three quadrant triacs guaranteed commutation BTA212 series D, E and F GENERAL DESCRIPTION QUICK REFERENCE DATA Passivated guaranteed commutation triacs in a plastic envelope intended for use in motor control circuits or with other highly inductive

    BTA212 O220AB BTA212BTA212BTA212Repetitive 600D 600E BT138 PDF


    Abstract: 600E 800E BT138 BTA212B
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Three quadrant triacs guaranteed commutation GENERAL DESCRIPTION Passivated guaranteed commutation triacs in a plastic envelope suitable for surface mounting intended for use in motor control circuits or with other highly

    OT404 BTA212B BTA212BBTA212BBTA212BRepetitive 600D 600E 800E BT138 PDF


    Abstract: OP07 12v 10A transformer
    Text: Precision Current Transformer Model: :CT03-□/□ Name: : Precision Current Transformer Precision Current Transformer 1. Features 1 PBT box endures high temperature and corruption. 2 ) Epoxy resin filled and enveloped, good isolation and antiimpact capacity.

    ModelCT03-/ ExampleCT01-5/2 CT015 CT025 CT035/2 50PPM. CT01-5/2W OP07 12v 10A transformer PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BDT65F; BDT65AF BDT65BF; BDT65CF PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE 7110flSb 00435^0 4Sci M P H I N T ~ 33 SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS N PN silicon darlington power transistors in a S O T 1 8 6 envelope with an electrically insulated mounting base. The devices are designed for audio output stages and general amplifier and switching applications.

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    BDT65F; BDT65AF BDT65BF; BDT65CF 7110flSb BDT65F PDF

    silicon planar epitaxial transistors

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BCY70 to 72 PHILIPS IN TERNATIONA L SbE D 711 002 b DOMElOti bTb BIP HIN SILICON PLANAR EPITAXIAL TRANSISTORS P-N-P transistors in TO-18 metal envelopes intended fo r general purpose industrial applications. The BCY71 is a low noise version. QUICK REFERENCE D A TA

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    BCY70 BCY71 T-27-09 711002b silicon planar epitaxial transistors PDF


    Abstract: 2N6660 2N6661 transistor 2N6659 max 1988
    Text: MIE D m 2N6659 2N6660 2N6661 711Gfl2b □Q2t.7c 3 1 • P H I N PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL T-31'0& N-CHANNEL VERTICAL D-MOS TRANSISTOR N-channel enhancement mode vertical D-MOS transistor in a TO-39 envelope and designed for application as low-power, high-frequency inverters and. line drivers.

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    2N6659 2N6660 2N6661 2N6661 T-39-05 2N6661 transistor max 1988 PDF


    Abstract: BUK555-60B T0220AB
    Text: PHILIPS INT ER NA TI O N AL bSE D • TllQAEb 0DbM241 Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS transistor Logic level FET GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode logic level field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is Intended for use in

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    0DbM241 BUK555-60A/B T0220AB BUK555 -ID/100 BUK555-60A BUK555-60B PDF


    Abstract: T0220AB
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bSE D B 711Gâ2ti GObMGTb SGÔ M P H I N Philips Semiconductors Product Spécification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in

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    BUK455-500B T0220AB 711DflEb BUK455-500B PDF


    Abstract: TIP111 darlington npn tip 102 TIP110 TIP112 TIP115 TIP116
    Text: TIP110 TIP111 TIP112 PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • 711002b 0043550 224 ■ PHIN T -3 3 -Z SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS N-P-N epitaxial-base transistors in m onolithic Darlington circu it fo r audio o u tp u t stages and general purpose am plifier and switching applications. T 0-220A B plastic envelope. P-N-P complements are

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    TIP110 TIP111 711002b T-33-Z T0-220AB TIP115, TIP116 TIP111 TIP112 P112 darlington npn tip 102 TIP112 TIP115 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification Silicon diffused power transistor BUX100 GENERAL DESCRIPTION High voltage, high speed glass passivated npn power transistor in a SOT82 envelope intended for use in high frequency electronic lighting ballast applications.

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    BUX100 711Dfi 711005b BUX100 PDF


    Abstract: b0946 BD944 philips b0944 m lc 945 bd946 BD944 T 948 BD943 BD948
    Text: BD944 BD946 BD948 PHILIPS IN TE RN AT IO NAL 5bE ]> • 711DûSb 00430ÔM SILICON EPITAXIAL BASE POWER TRANSISTORS 0 T2 ■ I P H I N T *33 ~ P-IM-P silicon transistors in a plastic envelope intended fo r use in audio ou tput stages and general purpose amplifiers. N-P-N complements are BD943; 945 and 947.

    OCR Scan
    bd944 bd946 bd948 711002b BD943; BD948. b0948 b0946 BD944 philips b0944 m lc 945 T 948 BD943 BD948 PDF

    philips bfq

    Abstract: BFQ263 BFQ263A RK 100
    Text: Product specification Philips S em iconductors - r & 3 ~ DESCRIPTION > 5 BFQ263; BFQ263A NPN 1 GHz video transistors • 5bE D PHILIPS IN TE RNATIONAL c 711062t. 0045b4û 331 « P H I N PINNING NPN silicon epitaxial transistor in a SOT5 TO-39 envelope with

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    BFQ263; BFQ263A 711062b 0045bi 711Qfl2b T-33-05 philips bfq BFQ263 BFQ263A RK 100 PDF


    Abstract: TAG thyristor Thyristor TAG thyristor TAG 13 BT153 fast turn off philips thyristor 239 thyristor TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER 7Z82062
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SflE J> 7110fl2t, 0053035 301 • PHIN B l iby _y F A S T TURN-OFF TH YR IS TO R Glass-passivated fast-turn-off thyristor in a T 0 -2 2 0 A B envelope, intended fo r use in inverter, pulse and switching applications. Its characteristics make the device extremely suitable for use in regulator,

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    7110fl2t, T0-220AB T0-220AB. BT153 TAG thyristor Thyristor TAG thyristor TAG 13 BT153 fast turn off philips thyristor 239 thyristor TRIGGER PULSE TRANSFORMER 7Z82062 PDF


    Abstract: BSR57 BSR58
    Text: BSR56 BSR57 BSR58 TllDflSb OObTSbS TT5 « P H I N J V . N -C H A N N E L FETS S ym m etrical silicon n-channel d e p le tio n ty p e ju n c tio n fie ld -e ffe c t transistors in a plastic m icro m in ia tu re envelope intended fo r a p p lica tio n in th ic k and th in -film circu its. The transistors are intended fo r low power, chopper or sw itch in g applications in industrial service.

    OCR Scan
    BSR56 BSR57 BSR58 bsr56 bsr57 bsr58Vqsm BSR56; BSR58 PDF


    Abstract: BUK453-60A BUK453-60B T0220AB
    Text: PHILIPS IN T E R NA TI ON AL bSE D B 711Dfl2b D D m O B L Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS transistor G EN ERA L DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in Switched Mode Power Supplies

    OCR Scan
    7110fi2b BUK453-60A/B T0220AB BUK453 8uk453 BUK453-60A BUK453-60B PDF


    Abstract: 7215a BYQ27 Ultra Fast Recovery Double Rectifier Diodes
    Text: S fc.E D 7 iiD f l2 t. o o m n o m 2 m p h in T - 3 - / 7 BYQ27 SERIES PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D ULTRA FAST-RECOVERY DOUBLE RECTIFIER DIODES Glass-passivated, high-efficiency double rectifier diodes in plastic envelopes, featuring low forward voltage drop, ultra fast reverse recovery times and soft recovery characteristic. They are intended fo r

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    T-03-Ã BYQ27 M3053 m1722 7215a Ultra Fast Recovery Double Rectifier Diodes PDF


    Abstract: BDX77F BD203F BD202F BD204F BDX78F
    Text: J PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL SbE D • BD201F; BD203F; BDX77F 7110a2b 0Gl+2ÛDfi Ô4S ■ PHIN T - 3 3 ' O cf SILICON EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS NPN Silicon power transistors in a SO T186 envelope w ith an electrically insulated mounting base. PNP complements are B D 202F, BD204F and B D X 78F .

    OCR Scan
    BD201F; BD203F; BDX77F 7110a2b T-33-0 OT186 BD202F, BD204F BDX78F. BD201F BDX77F BD203F BD202F BDX78F PDF


    Abstract: philips bfw92 vk200 philips vk200.10 g04b030
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 7 NPN 1 GHz wideband transistor PHILIPS BFW92 INTERNATIONAL DESCRIPTION NPN transistor in a plastic SOT37 envelope. It has a low noise over a wide current range, a very high power gain and good intermodulation properties. It is primarily intended for

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    BFW92 7110fl2b MEA391 MEA393 BFW92 philips bfw92 vk200 philips vk200.10 g04b030 PDF

    ht 25 transistor

    Abstract: BUK638-500B
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL bSE T> m 711D62L. DDfc,4311 Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS transistor Fast recovery diode FET_ GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. FREDFET with fast recovery

    OCR Scan
    BUK638-500B 711DflSb ODb431S ht 25 transistor PDF


    Abstract: BUW13A buw13a philips semiconductor BA102 BUW13A-S Philips BUW13A
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconductors BUW13; BUW13A Silicon diffused power transistors High-voltage, high-speed, glass-passivated npn power transistors in a SOT93 envelope, intended fo r use in converters, inverters, sw itching regulators, m oto r co n tro l systems etc.

    OCR Scan
    BUW13; BUW13A BUW13 711D6Eb 0D777T7 711G82b BUW13A buw13a philips semiconductor BA102 BUW13A-S Philips BUW13A PDF

    NDS 40-20

    Abstract: BUK437-500B DIODE BB2
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL fc.5E D m 7110flSb □□t.3c121 RS3 • P H I N Philips Semiconductors Product Specification PowerMOS transistor GENERAL DESCRIPTION N-channel enhancement mode field-effect power transistor in a plastic envelope. The device is intended for use in

    OCR Scan
    711002b BUK437-500B NDS 40-20 BUK437-500B DIODE BB2 PDF


    Abstract: philips e3 Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 16v BLU60-12 B6PN
    Text: PHILIPS INTERNAT IO NAL bSE D E3 7110ÖSb DDLE7S1 =131 BLU60/12 l U.H.F. POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon planar epitaxial transistor in SOT-119 envelope prim arily intended fo r use in mobile radio transmitters in the 470 MHz communications band. Features • multi-base structure and emitter-ballasting resistors fo r an optim um temperature profile.

    OCR Scan
    711002b OT-119 BLU60/12 2222-809-05002 philips e3 Philips Electrolytic Capacitor 16v BLU60-12 B6PN PDF

    fet MARKING MHp

    Abstract: sot143 code marking MS FET marking code marking ANs marking L1 fet BF996S
    Text: BF996S PHILIPS INTERNATIONAL 5 bE D 711002b D 0 3 l+D7û ÖTß • PHIN F O R D E T A IL E D IN F O R M A T IO N SEE T H E L A T E S T ISSUE OF H A N D B O O K SC07 O R D A T A S H E E T T - 35-27 SILICON N-CHANNEL DUAL GATE MOS-FET D e pletion ty p e fie ld -e ffe c t tra n sisto r in a plastic SO T143 m icro m in ia tu re envelope w ith source and

    OCR Scan
    BF996S OT143 OT143. fet MARKING MHp sot143 code marking MS FET marking code marking ANs marking L1 fet BF996S PDF