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    ICS FOR TAPE DECKS Search Results

    ICS FOR TAPE DECKS Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    TLP2701 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Photocoupler (photo-IC output), 5000 Vrms, 4pin SO6L Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4053FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SPDT(1:2)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCTH022BE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Over Temperature Detection IC / VDD=1.7~5.5V / IPTCO=10μA / IDD=11.3μA / Open-drain type / FLAG signal latch function Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TCTH021BE Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation Over Temperature Detection IC / VDD=1.7~5.5V / IPTCO=10μA / IDD=11.3μA / Open-drain type Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    ICS FOR TAPE DECKS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: equalizer audio 5v TAPE RECORDER bias diagram AMPLIFIER audio transistor
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3426AS The BA3426AS is a record / playback system preamplifier for radio cassette decks. It also has a CD input. It has three control switches for function and tape mode switching and mic on / off.

    BA3426AS BA3426AS equalizer audio 5v TAPE RECORDER bias diagram AMPLIFIER audio transistor PDF

    alc 266

    Abstract: 315HZ BA3423S microphone preamplifier with alc cassette tape head microphone amplifier with alc alc 259
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3423S The BA3423S is a record / playback system preamplifier for radio cassette decks. With four control pins it allows switching between I / O for the A play only and B (record and play) mechanisms, input for tape, radio, and microphone, on

    BA3423S BA3423S alc 266 315HZ microphone preamplifier with alc cassette tape head microphone amplifier with alc alc 259 PDF

    alc 259

    Abstract: 315HZ alc 268 BA3423S microphone amplifier with alc bass treble
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3423S The BA3423S is a record / playback system preamplifier for radio cassette decks. With four control pins it allows switching between I / O for the A play only and B (record and play) mechanisms, input for tape, radio, and microphone, on

    BA3423S BA3423S alc 259 315HZ alc 268 microphone amplifier with alc bass treble PDF


    Abstract: BA3416BL DUAL PRE-AMPLIFIER FOR TAPE RECORDER TAPE RECORDER bias 2 channel Audio switch circuit diagram TAPE RECORDER BA3416 DUAL playback PRE-AMPLIFIER 12v AUDIO equalizer equalizer audio 5v
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder dual preamplifier BA3416BL The BA3416BL is a dual preamplifier for playback only that has been designed for use with dual-cassette decks. An internal switch is used to switch the left and right channel inputs between the A and B tape mechanisms.

    BA3416BL BA3416BL DUAL PRE-AMPLIFIER FOR TAPE PLAYBACK DUAL PRE-AMPLIFIER FOR TAPE RECORDER TAPE RECORDER bias 2 channel Audio switch circuit diagram TAPE RECORDER BA3416 DUAL playback PRE-AMPLIFIER 12v AUDIO equalizer equalizer audio 5v PDF


    Abstract: stereo audio preamplifier
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder dual preamplifier BA3416BL The BA3416BL is a dual preamplifier for playback only that has been designed for use with dual-cassette decks. An internal switch is used to switch the left and right channel inputs between the A and B tape mechanisms.

    BA3416BL BA3416BL stereo audio preamplifier PDF

    200 rpm 12V DC motor

    Abstract: DC MOTOR 100 R.P.M., 12v 12v motor cassette
    Text: ICs for Motor AN6607NS DC Motor Forward/Reverse Dual Speed Electronic Governor • Overview 13 5 12 6 11 7 10 8 9 0.4 5.5±0.3 7.6±0.3 16-Lead SOP Package (SOP016-P-0300) ■ Applications Cassette decks, radio/cassette tape recorders, car cassette tape players, DC motor control such as DAT, tape

    AN6607NS 16-Lead OP016-P-0300) 70ppm/Ë 160mA 1600rpm 3200rpm 200 rpm 12V DC motor DC MOTOR 100 R.P.M., 12v 12v motor cassette PDF


    Abstract: BA3308F AN BA3308 BA3308FV ics audio 10 pin sip
    Text: Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308 / BA3308F / BA3308FV The BA3308, BA3308F and BA3308FV are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in compact 9-pin SIP BA3308 , 14-pin MF

    BA3308 BA3308F BA3308FV BA3308, BA3308FV BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) AN BA3308 ics audio 10 pin sip PDF

    transistor audio preamplifier circuit diagram

    Abstract: dual audio amplifier circuit diagram audio preamplifier circuit diagram BA3308 Equalizer Amplifier with ALC 3 channel audio ics stereo Preamplifier power amplifier circuit diagram with pcb layout 8 channel audio amplifier circuit diagram amplifier circuit diagram
    Text: Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308 / BA3308F / BA3308FV The BA3308, BA3308F and BA3308FV are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in compact 9-pin SIP BA3308 , 14-pin MF

    BA3308 BA3308F BA3308FV BA3308, BA3308FV BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) transistor audio preamplifier circuit diagram dual audio amplifier circuit diagram audio preamplifier circuit diagram Equalizer Amplifier with ALC 3 channel audio ics stereo Preamplifier power amplifier circuit diagram with pcb layout 8 channel audio amplifier circuit diagram amplifier circuit diagram PDF


    Text: Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308 / BA3308F / BA3308FV The BA3308, BA3308F and BA3308FV are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in compact 9-pin SIP BA3308 , 14-pin MF

    BA3308 BA3308F BA3308FV BA3308, BA3308FV BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) ELECTRONIC POTENTIOMETERS PDF


    Abstract: ELECTRONIC POTENTIOMETERS Stereo tape head preamplifier stereo Preamplifier
    Text: Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308 / BA3308F / BA3308FV The BA3308, BA3308F and BA3308FV are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in compact 9-pin SIP BA3308 , 14-pin MF

    BA3308 BA3308F BA3308FV BA3308, BA3308FV BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) ELECTRONIC POTENTIOMETERS Stereo tape head preamplifier stereo Preamplifier PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3423S The BA3423S is a record /playback system preamplifier for radio cassette decks. With four control pins it allows switching between I/O for the A play only and B (record and play) mechanisms, input for tape, radio, and micro­

    OCR Scan
    BA3423S BA3423S 820pF 470pF 2700pF 3000pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassete tape recorder dual preamplifier BA3416BL The BA3416BL is dual preamplifier for playback only that has been designed for use with dual-cassette decks. An internal switch is used to switch the left and right channel inputs between the A and B tape mechanisms.

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    BA3416BL BA3416BL PDF


    Text: Audio ICs Double cassete tape recorder dual preamplifier BA3416BL The BA3416BL Is dual preamplifier for playback only that has been designed for use with dual-cassette decks. An internal switch is used to switch the left and right channel inputs between the A and B tape mechanisms.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassete tape recorder dual preamplifier BA3416BL The BA3416BL is dual preamplifier for playback only that has been designed for use with dual-cassette decks. An internal switch is used to switch the left and right channel inputs between the A and B tape mechanisms.

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    BA3416BL BA3416BL NAB45dB 20kHz) 17pin 18pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3426S The BA3426S is a re co rd /p la yb a ck system pream plifier for radio cassette decks. It also has a CD input. It has three control switches for function and tape mode switching and mic on/off.

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    BA3426S BA3426S PDF


    Abstract: MAGNETIC HEAD tape deck BA3402 magnetic head wiring 7 pin ZIP16 audio MAGNETIC HEAD cassette deck magnetic head 6 channel car audio amplifier circuit diagram MAGNETIC HEAD MAGNETIC HEAD audio
    Text: Audio ICs Dual-channel, auto-reverse tape preamplifier BA3402 The BA3402 is a dual pream plifier developed for auto-reverse car tape decks. An electronic switch on the chip switches between the forward and reverse heads, and this has the benefits of greater reliability, easier wiring, lower

    OCR Scan
    BA3402 BA3402 6XR3X10Gvc/2o 3180X10-6 ZIP16 a3402 MAGNETIC HEAD tape deck magnetic head wiring 7 pin ZIP16 audio MAGNETIC HEAD cassette deck magnetic head 6 channel car audio amplifier circuit diagram MAGNETIC HEAD MAGNETIC HEAD audio PDF


    Abstract: LS 820 audio amp BA34235
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3423S The B A 3423S is a record / playb ack system pream p lifier for radio cassette decks. With four control pins it allows switching betw een I/ O for the A play only and B (record and play) m echanism s, input for tape, radio, and m icro­

    OCR Scan
    BA3423S BA3423S LS 820 audio amp BA34235 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Dual-channel, auto-reverse tape preamplifier BA3402 The BA3402 is a dual pream plifier developed for auto-reverse car tape decks. An electronic switch on the chip switches between the forward and reverse heads, and this has the benefits of greater reliability, easier wiring, lower

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    BA3402 BA3402 3180X10-6 ZIP16 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3426S The BA3426S is a record / playback system pream plifier for radio cassette decks. It also has a CD input. It has three control switches fo r function and tape m ode sw itching and m ic o n /o ff.

    OCR Scan
    BA3426S BA3426S PDF

    ecm motor circuit

    Abstract: ba3426s ECM 2.3 Motor 15DK 315HZ 57vcc SDIP32 2.3 ECM Motor
    Text: Audio ICs Double cassette tape recorder system preamplifier BA3426S The BA3426S is a record/playback system preamplifier for radio cassette decks. It also has a CD input. It has three control switches for function and tape mode switching and mic on/off. It requires far fewer external components than its predecessors which means simplified assembly and overall sav­

    OCR Scan
    BA3426S BA3426S ecm motor circuit ECM 2.3 Motor 15DK 315HZ 57vcc SDIP32 2.3 ECM Motor PDF


    Abstract: M54410P 54410P
    Text: M IT S U B IS H I B IP O L A R D IG IT A L ICs M54410P KEY CONTROLLER FOR TAPE DECK DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION TOP VIEW The 54410P is a T T L integrated circuit semiconductor used for controlling the function keys on tape decks. p la y — [T 16] Vcc

    OCR Scan
    M54410P 54410P M54410 M54410P PDF


    Abstract: BA3306 jpw 45 lba3 450J BA3308 BA3308F PCB layout Potentiometers
    Text: Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308/BA3308F The BA3308 and BA3308F are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They come in com pact 9-pin SIP BA3308 and 14-pin MF

    OCR Scan
    BA3308/BA3308F BA3308 BA3308F BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) BA3308 ba330bf BA330BF BA3306 jpw 45 lba3 450J PCB layout Potentiometers PDF


    Abstract: BA3308
    Text: Audio ICs Dual preamplifier with ALC BA3308/BA3308F The BA3308 and BA3308F are dual preamplifier ICs with built-in ALC circuits, and have been designed for use in stereo radio-cassette recorders and tape recorders. They com e in com pact 9-pin SIP BA3308 and 14-pin MF

    OCR Scan
    BA3308/BA3308F BA3308 BA3308F BA3308) 14-pin BA3308F) L10kQ 70dBV PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Audio ICs Dual-channel, auto-reverse tape preamplifier BA3402 The BA3402 is a dual preamplifier developed for auto-reverse car tape d ecks. An electronic switch on the chip switches between the forward and reverse heads, and this has the benefits of greater reliability, easier wiring, lower

    OCR Scan
    BA3402 BA3402 6XR3X10QÂ 3180X10-6 PDF