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    INR 271 Search Results

    INR 271 Datasheets Context Search

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    7536-1 voltage regulator

    Abstract: 2391 CS5542 CS5542-KL CS5543 CS5543-KL 33970
    Text: CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit, Multi-Channel ∆Σ ADC Chip Set Features • Delta-Sigma Architecture: - 5th Order Modulator - 22-Bit Resolution • dc Accuracy fBW = 250Hz : - Integral Linearity: ± 0.001 % F.S. - Differential Linearity: ± 0.5 LSBs - RMS Noise: 1.1 pARMS

    CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit, 22-Bit CS5543 7536-1 voltage regulator 2391 CS5542-KL CS5543-KL 33970 PDF

    7536-1 voltage regulator

    Abstract: 2391 inr 470 CS5542 CS5542-KL CS5543 CS5543-KL 33970
    Text: CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit, Multi-Channel ∆Σ ADC Chip Set Features • Delta-Sigma Architecture: - 5th Order Modulator - 22-Bit Resolution • dc Accuracy fBW = 250Hz : - Integral Linearity: ± 0.001 % F.S. - Differential Linearity: ± 0.5 LSBs - RMS Noise: 1.1 pARMS

    CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit, 22-Bit CS5543 7536-1 voltage regulator 2391 inr 470 CS5542-KL CS5543-KL 33970 PDF

    7536-1 voltage regulator

    Abstract: modulator board 271 281 IN1016 H267 INR 271 CS5542 CS5542-KL CS5543 CS5543-KL IN1018
    Text: CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit, Multi-Channel ∆Σ ADC Chip Set Features Description l Delta-Sigma Architecture: The CS5542 / CS5543 chip set is designed to be a complete current measurement data acquisition system. The CS5542 is a 22-Bit, 2-channel, 5th-order delta sigma modulator. The CS5543 is a monolithic CMOS, 8channel digital FIR filter designed to be used with up to

    CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit, CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit 7536-1 voltage regulator modulator board 271 281 IN1016 H267 INR 271 CS5542-KL CS5543-KL IN1018 PDF


    Abstract: BEST BASS TREBLE CIRCUIT capacitor 4.7u M61531FP D19c D15C D14D D19D
    Text: Preliminary M61531FP 6ch Electronic Volume with 10 Input Selectors REJ03F0050-0110Z Rev.1.1 Jun.01.2004 Features Functions Features Electric volume 6 channel independent electric volume with high voltage transistor 0 to –99 dB/1 dB step, –∞ dB Input selector

    M61531FP REJ03F0050-0110Z D9D TRANSISTOR BEST BASS TREBLE CIRCUIT capacitor 4.7u M61531FP D19c D15C D14D D19D PDF

    transistor D9C

    Abstract: D9C transistor inr234
    Text: M61531FP 6ch Electronic Volume with 10 Input Selectors REJ03F0050-0100Z Preliminary Rev.1.0 Sep.17.2003 Features Functions Features Electric volume Input selector Multi channel input Tone Control 6 channel independent electric volume with high voltage transistor 0 to –99 dB/1 dB step, –∞ dB

    M61531FP REJ03F0050-0100Z transistor D9C D9C transistor inr234 PDF


    Abstract: D9D TRANSISTOR transistor D9C D14D M61531FP D9B TRANSISTOR 0047-uF
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: To our customers, Old Company Name in Catalogs and Other Documents On April 1st, 2010, NEC Electronics Corporation merged with Renesas Technology Corporation, and Renesas Electronics Corporation took over all the business of both companies. Therefore, although the old company name remains in this document, it is a valid


    ofw 369

    Abstract: siemens ofw 369 peugeot 605 epcos 7964 peugeot 307 EPCOS 800 337 TAG 8907 radio fernsehen elektronik peugeot 206
    Text: ÜBERSICHT E C K D AT E N K O N Z E R N GESCHÄFTSJAHR 1.OKTOBER BIS 30.SEPTEMBER US-GAAP 2001 2000 1999 Auftragseingang Mio. e 1.363 2.426 1.311 Veränderung in % gg. Vorjahr - 44 + 85 + 23 Mio. e 1.905 1.855 1.141 Veränderung in % gg. Vorjahr +3 + 63 + 13

    10China ofw 369 siemens ofw 369 peugeot 605 epcos 7964 peugeot 307 EPCOS 800 337 TAG 8907 radio fernsehen elektronik peugeot 206 PDF

    BOSCH 0 261 210 691

    Abstract: NTC 50-7 Kathrein gsm ANTENNA bosch 0 261 200 733 BOSCH 0 261 206 925 bosch NTC peugeot Epcos Ferrite Core library 2002 bosch 332 002 155 Grundig 1548 peugeot 206
    Text: OVERVIEW K E Y D ATA E P C O S G R O U P FISCAL YEARS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30 New orders R E P O R T 2001 2000 1999 e million 1 363 2 426 1 311 % change year on year 44 85 23 Net sales A N N U A L US GAAP e million 1 905 1 855 1 141 % change year on year 3 63



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: International ÜÔSSMSS 001 Sb7 b Ö40 • INR i“R Rectifier PD-9.525D IRFR220 IRFU220 HEXFET Power M O SFET bSE D _ INTERNATIONAL R E C T IF IE R Dynamic dv/dt Rating Repetitive Avalanche Rated Surface Mount IRFR220 Straight Lead (IRFU220) Available in Tape & Reel

    OCR Scan
    IRFR220 IRFU220 IRFR220) IRFU220) VDS25 PDF


    Abstract: HFA30PA60C
    Text: bSE D INTERNATIONAL RECTIFIER • 4055452 G G 1 7 ? n Ö4G ■ INR PD-2.336 International S Rectifier HEXFRED Provisional Data Sheet HFA30PA60C u l t r a f a s t , s o f t r e c o v e r y d io d e Major R atings and C h a ra cteristics per Leg C haracteristics

    OCR Scan
    HFA30PA60C D-63B0 FA30PA60 HFA30PA60C PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: zn: I _a_ File No. SHEET 271 ILL 1.50 B ± 0 . 10= 2 .5 4 X N o . Of C o n t a c t s - 1 ilii ilu ilu ilu ilu □ inr © © © © © ©- o RoH S Compliant AUK P/N Cover Color Blue S W X X S R -H Red SW XXSR— RD— H Black SW XXSR— B K — H 0O.97±O.O5

    OCR Scan
    UL94V-0 UL94V-0 PDF

    IN60 diode

    Abstract: 7536-1 voltage regulator 2391 40431 equivalent diode for diode IN60 CS5542 CS5542-KL CS5543 CS5543-KL GDT464
    Text: CS5542 Cirrus Logic Company CS5543 22-B it, M u lti-C h an n el KL A D C C hip S et Features • Delta-Sigma Architecture: - 5th Order Modulator - 22-Bit Resolution • dc Accuracy fBW = 250Hz : - Integral Linearity: ± 0.001 % F.S. - Differential Linearity: ± 0.5 LSBs

    OCR Scan
    CS5542 CS5543 22-Bit, 22-Bit 250Hz) CS5543 IN60 diode 7536-1 voltage regulator 2391 40431 equivalent diode for diode IN60 CS5542-KL CS5543-KL GDT464 PDF

    LT 5251

    Abstract: TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor 647H ccd sharp JV3A RJ23N3AA0PT 623H MQ 6 SENSOR pin diagram RJ23N3
    Text: BACK SHARP RJ23N3AA0PT RJ23N3AA0PT 1/2.7-type Interline Color CCD Area Sensor with 2 140 k Pixels DESCRIPTION Package : The RJ23N3AA0PT is a 1/2.7-type 6.65 mm solid- 16-pin shrink-pitch DIP [Plastic] state image sensor that consists of PN photo­ (P-DIP016-0500C)

    OCR Scan
    RJ23N3AA0PT RJ23N3AA0PT monito11-5819 LT 5251 TT 2222 Horizontal Output Transistor 647H ccd sharp JV3A 623H MQ 6 SENSOR pin diagram RJ23N3 PDF


    Abstract: amd accelerated processor unit apu cnc schematic parallel port Am8251 AM9511 d400 e NG37 Multibus i handbook U727 K2545
    Text: Advanced Micro Computers A subsidiary of Advanced Micro Devices Am95/4006 MonoBoard Computer User’s Manual 00680155 $ 1 0 .0 0 REVISION RECORD REVISION 01 9/19/80 A (10/31/80) B DESCRIPTION P re lim in a ry Issue M an u al R e le a s e d M anual U p d a te d and Reprinted

    OCR Scan
    Am95/4006 am9512 amd accelerated processor unit apu cnc schematic parallel port Am8251 AM9511 d400 e NG37 Multibus i handbook U727 K2545 PDF

    application USART 8251

    Abstract: USART 8251 interfacing with RS-232 8251 usart bird 4266 8251 microprocessor block diagram INTEL USART 8251 intel 8251 intel 8251 USART Reset GST 5009 intel 4269
    Text: Contents INTRODUCTION. 1 COMMUNICATION FORMATS.1 Using The 8251 Universal Synchronous/Asyncronous Receiver/Transmitter BLOCK DIAGRAM. 2

    OCR Scan
    MCS-074-0576/30K application USART 8251 USART 8251 interfacing with RS-232 8251 usart bird 4266 8251 microprocessor block diagram INTEL USART 8251 intel 8251 intel 8251 USART Reset GST 5009 intel 4269 PDF

    C G 774 6-1

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: KA3903 Industrial ELECTRONICS AUTOMOTIVE POWER WINDOW 1C The KA3903 is monolithic low side relay driver realized with bipolar pro­ cess, suited for not only window but also sun roof, power seat and other timers in automotive application. FEATURES • •

    OCR Scan
    KA3903 KA3903 PIN10 C G 774 6-1 PDF

    A&TB CI 11 AM

    Abstract: LT 5251 CY7C132 CY7C136 CY7C146 B057r
    Text: CYPRESS EbE SEMI CONDUCTOR D " F ^ - Z V asa^bbB 1 • CY7C132/CY7C136 CY7C142/CY7C146 I Z . CYPRESS_ SEMICONDUCTOR Features 0.8 micron CMOS for optimum speed/power Automatic power-down TTL-compatible Capable of withstanding greater than 2001V electrostatic discharge

    OCR Scan
    CY7C132/CY7C136 CY7C142/CY7C146 CY7C132/ CY7C136; CY7C142/CY7C142 CY7C132/CY7C136/CY7C142/ CY7C146 A&TB CI 11 AM LT 5251 CY7C132 CY7C136 B057r PDF

    ata 2398

    Abstract: SOT117
    Text: TEA6300 TEA6300T SOUND FADER CONTROL CIRCUIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Sound Fader Control circu it SOFAC is an l 2C-bus controlled preamplifier fo r car radios. Features • • • • • • • • • • Source selector fo r three stereo inputs Inputs and outputs fo r noise reduction circuits

    OCR Scan
    TEA6300 TEA6300T 7Z81158 ata 2398 SOT117 PDF

    8273 dma controller

    Abstract: RK-6017 Sdk-85 RRU 3939 intel 8273 intel 8245 crt sdk 8085 microcomputer dma 8257 Raytheon Company 2000 as EPE PIC TUTORIAL 3
    Text: in te i <ò Intel C orporation, 197B APPLICATION NOTE AP-36 9800667A Related Intel Publications “ M C S -8 5 User's M a n u a l" "SDK-85 U s e r’s M a n u a l ’! Related IBM Publications “ IB M S y nc h ro no u s Data Link C o n tro l General Inform atio n, GA27-3093-1"

    OCR Scan
    AP-36 800667A SDK-85 GA27-3093-1" GA27-3098-0" 8273 dma controller RK-6017 RRU 3939 intel 8273 intel 8245 crt sdk 8085 microcomputer dma 8257 Raytheon Company 2000 as EPE PIC TUTORIAL 3 PDF

    extra bass circuit diagram

    Abstract: extra bass circuit LW 2411 GDO2 bass mid treble control circuit bass treble control circuit 6811F ES01 S028 TEA6310T
    Text: TEA6310T SOUND FADER CONTROL CIRCUIT GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Sound Fader C o n tro l c irc u it SOFAC is an l 2C-bus co n tro lle d tone and volum e co n tro l circ u it fo r car radios. Features • V olum e and balance c o n tro l; c o n tro l range o f 86 dB in steps o f 2 dB

    OCR Scan
    TEA6310T DDfl251D 711005b 7110fi2b extra bass circuit diagram extra bass circuit LW 2411 GDO2 bass mid treble control circuit bass treble control circuit 6811F ES01 S028 TEA6310T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Components-Signetics TEA6300T Docum ent No. ECN No. Date o f Issue Status May 1990 Sound fader control circuit Preliminary Specification RF C om m unications G E N E R A L DESC RIPTIO N The Sound Fader C o ntrol c irc u it SOFAC is an l 2C-bus co n tro lle d pre am p lifie r fo r car radios.

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    TEA6300T 6300T EA6300 PDF

    sw radio diagram

    Abstract: BA5410 ba3420al
    Text: Audio ICs Dual recording/playback preamplifier for radio cassette recorders BA3420AL T h e B A 3 4 2 0 A L is d ual re c o rd in g / p la y b a c k p re a m p lifie r fo r ra d io c a s s e tte p la y e rs . It has an in te rn a l sw itch for sw itching b etw een p layb ack h ead , m ic, and radio input m o d es, and also includes a bias oscillator and regulated

    OCR Scan
    BA3420AL RL--10kQ sw radio diagram BA5410 ba3420al PDF