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    MCS48 APPLICATION Search Results

    MCS48 APPLICATION Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CA3079 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3079 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059 Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    CA3059-G Rochester Electronics LLC CA3059 - Zero-Voltage Switches for 50-60Hz and 400Hz Thyristor Control Applications Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    TCM3105NL Rochester Electronics LLC TCM3105NL - FSK Modem, PDIP16 Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy
    AM79865JC Rochester Electronics LLC AM79865 -Physical Data Transmitter Visit Rochester Electronics LLC Buy

    MCS48 APPLICATION Datasheets Context Search

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    crystal ntk 8 mhz

    Abstract: AP-155 mcs-48 users manual crystal ntk 4 pin ntkk crystal ntk ICAN-6539 rca application notes ican-6086 MCS-48 8048 intel microprocessor pin diagram
    Text: AP-155 APPLICATION NOTE Oscillators for Microcontrollers TOM WILLIAMSON MICROCONTROLLER TECHNICAL MARKETING June 1983 Order Number 230659-001 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-155 MCS-48 crystal ntk 8 mhz AP-155 mcs-48 users manual crystal ntk 4 pin ntkk crystal ntk ICAN-6539 rca application notes ican-6086 MCS-48 8048 intel microprocessor pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: 80c49 80C49 P ZyMOS 80c39 11MHz CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR MCS48 instruction set DIP40 PLCC44 SD80C49
    Text: SD80C49/P Semiconductor CMOS SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICRO COMPUTER Features • Pin-to-pin compatible with intel's 80C48/80C35/80C49/80C39 80C48/80C49 low power mask programmable ROM. • 80C35/80C39 low power, CPU only. • 1.36 µsec instruction cycle.

    SD80C49/P 80C48/80C35/80C49/80C39 80C48/80C49 80C35/80C39 11MHz 80C49/P 11MHz SD80C49 SD80C49 80c48 80c49 80C49 P ZyMOS 80c39 11MHz CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR MCS48 instruction set DIP40 PLCC44 PDF

    PPI 8255 interface with 8085

    Abstract: 8155 intel microprocessor pin diagram microprocessors interface 8085 to 8255 ppi 8255 interfacing with 8085 interfacing of 8255 devices with 8085 8155 intel microprocessor block diagram PPI 8255 interface data serial 8155 PPI 8155 microprocessor block diagram PPI 8255 interface with 8085 of digital to analog
    Text: 12-BIT µP-COMPATIBLE ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS TC7109 TC7109 TC7109A TC7109A 12-BIT µP-COMPATIBLE ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTERS FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • The TC7109A is a 12-bit plus sign, CMOS low-power analog-to-digital converter ADC . Only eight passive components and a crystal are required to form a complete

    12-BIT TC7109 TC7109A TC7109A 12-bit PPI 8255 interface with 8085 8155 intel microprocessor pin diagram microprocessors interface 8085 to 8255 ppi 8255 interfacing with 8085 interfacing of 8255 devices with 8085 8155 intel microprocessor block diagram PPI 8255 interface data serial 8155 PPI 8155 microprocessor block diagram PPI 8255 interface with 8085 of digital to analog PDF

    8355 8755 intel microprocessor block diagram

    Abstract: MCS-48 8755 intel microprocessor block diagram MCS48 instruction set intel 8755 USART 8251 expanded block diagram MCS-48 Manual The Expanded MCS-48 System mcs48 internal architecture of 8251 USART
    Text: in t e i # ° r <p r?> > V 9 Intel C o rp o ra tio n , 1977 98-413B Price S1 .OO Related Intel Publications “MCS-48 Microcomputer User's Manual" "Using the 8251 Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous “8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface Applications"

    OCR Scan
    98-413B MCS-48TM NL-10Q6 8355 8755 intel microprocessor block diagram MCS-48 8755 intel microprocessor block diagram MCS48 instruction set intel 8755 USART 8251 expanded block diagram MCS-48 Manual The Expanded MCS-48 System mcs48 internal architecture of 8251 USART PDF

    074C ST MICRO

    Abstract: st 074c AIM-65 st 072c 074c 07D4 MCS-48 07E8 aim 65 074c ST
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-319 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Simple Interface Between D/A Converter and Microcomputer Leads to Programmable Sine-Wave Oscillator by John Wynne This application note outlines a very sim ple interface be­

    OCR Scan
    AN-319 AD7542, 12-bit MCS-48 1024Hz 1025Hz 074C ST MICRO st 074c AIM-65 st 072c 074c 07D4 07E8 aim 65 074c ST PDF

    diagram of dac interfacing with 8051

    Abstract: circuit diagram for interfacing dac with 8051 circuit diagram for DAC interfacing with 8051 lt 8243 MCS-48 DAC 8048 intel mcs-48 hex Register 7475 The Expanded MCS-48 System Intel 8048
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-326 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Interfacing the AD7549 to the MCS-48 and MCS-51 Microcomputer Families by Mike Curtin The AD7549 is the industry's first monolithic dual 12-bit

    OCR Scan
    AN-326 AD7549 MCS-48 MCS-51 12-bit 20-pin 12MHz diagram of dac interfacing with 8051 circuit diagram for interfacing dac with 8051 circuit diagram for DAC interfacing with 8051 lt 8243 DAC 8048 intel mcs-48 hex Register 7475 The Expanded MCS-48 System Intel 8048 PDF


    Abstract: st 074c 07A4 MCS-48 074C ST MICRO st 072c lookup table 07E8 AD7542 aim 65
    Text: ANALOG ► DEVICES AN-319 APPLICATION NOTE ONE TECHNOLOGY WAY • P.O. BOX 9106 • NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-9106 • 617/329-4700 Simple Interface Between D/A Converter and Microcomputer Leads to Programmable Sine-Wave Oscillator by John Wynne This application note outlines a very simple interface be­

    OCR Scan
    AN-319 AD7542, 12-bit MCS-48 1024Hz 1025Hz 074c st 074c 07A4 074C ST MICRO st 072c lookup table 07E8 AD7542 aim 65 PDF

    TEKELEC 297

    Abstract: intel 4269 mcs48 assembly language SEVEN SEGMENT FUNCTION TABLE OF IC 7447 bcd to hex using ic 7447 Intel 8245 intel 8048 8245 mcs-48 intel 4269 rep 197b TA 365 TEKELEC
    Text: intJ AP-40 APPLICATION NOTE June 197B <s> r? tV8P> A sy rV A''" O ? N ^ rf<> > v « ® Intel Corporation, 1978 w ^ •c T v > V 9800755 R elated In te l P u b lic atio n s ” M CS-48 M ic ro c o m p u te r F a m ily U sers' M a n u a l” "M C S-48 A s s e m b ly Language P ro g ra m m in g M a n u a l”

    OCR Scan
    AP-40 CS-48 B-1160 D-2085 D-8000 0732t RG20LS TEKELEC 297 intel 4269 mcs48 assembly language SEVEN SEGMENT FUNCTION TABLE OF IC 7447 bcd to hex using ic 7447 Intel 8245 intel 8048 8245 mcs-48 intel 4269 rep 197b TA 365 TEKELEC PDF

    intel 8022

    Abstract: MCS-48 MCS48 instruction set MCS 48 8022 8-Bit Microcomputers keyboard controller 8048 MCS48 MCS-48 CPU
    Text: inteT 18022 SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH ON-CHIP A/D CONVERTER INDUSTRIAL • 8-Bit CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O in Single 40-Pin • ■ ■ ■ ■ Two Interrupts — External and Timer 2K x 8 ROM, 64 x 8 RAM, 28 I/O Lines 10/usec Cycle; All Instructions 1 or 2 Cycles

    OCR Scan
    40-Pin 10/usee MCS-48 intel 8022 MCS48 instruction set MCS 48 8022 8-Bit Microcomputers keyboard controller 8048 MCS48 MCS-48 CPU PDF


    Abstract: 8243 8080a intel microprocessor pin diagram Intel 8243 8048 intel microprocessor pin diagram Intel 4201 Microcomputer 8080 MP8080A ITT cpu Intel 8080 interface
    Text: Signetics Microprocessors MP 8080A 8 Bit Microprocessor C O N N E C T IO N D IA G R A M G E N E R A L DE SC R IPTIO N The M P8080A is an 8 -b it m icroprocessor housed in a standard, 40 -p in dual-in-Jine package. The c h ip , w h ich is fabricated using N-channel silicon gate MOS te c h n o lo ­

    OCR Scan
    MP8080A 40-pin 16-bit MCS-48 8243 8080a intel microprocessor pin diagram Intel 8243 8048 intel microprocessor pin diagram Intel 4201 Microcomputer 8080 ITT cpu Intel 8080 interface PDF

    MCS48 instruction set

    Abstract: MCS-48 bcd arithmetic mcs48 TI 8048 CPU processor 8048 8022H MCS 48
    Text: intei M K i OMGWOMTTIM 8022H HIGH PERFORMANCE SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH ON-CHIP A/D CONVERTER 2K x 8 ROM, 64 x 8 RAM, 28 I/O Lines 8-Bit CPU, ROM, RAM, I/O in Single 40-Pin Package 5 nsec Cycle; All Instructions 1 or 2 Cycles 6 MHz Clock

    OCR Scan
    8022H 40-Pin MCS48 instruction set MCS-48 bcd arithmetic mcs48 TI 8048 CPU processor 8048 MCS 48 PDF


    Abstract: 8749h K74M
    Text: in te i SINGLE COMPONENT MCS -48 SYSTEM 1.0 INTRODUCTION Sections 2 through 5 describe in detail the func­ tional characteristics of the 8748H and 8749H EPROM . 8048AH/8049AH/8050AH R O M . and 8035AHL/ 8039AHLV8040-AHL CPU only single component micro­

    OCR Scan
    8748H 8749H 8048AH/8049AH/8050AH 8035AHL/ 8039AHLV8040-AHL MCS\-48. 8749H/8748H 8749AH K74M PDF

    intel 4269

    Abstract: mcs-48 intel 4269 0824 keyboard controller intel 8048 intel 8039 applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display intel mcs-48 8049 Keyboard Controller intel 8049 microcomputer MCS-48
    Text: 1 AP-40 INTRODUCTION T h is a p p lic a tio n n o te s p re s e n ts a s o ftw a re p a c kag e for in te rfa c in g m e m b e rs o f In te l’s M C S -4 8 fa m ily o f s in g le-c h ip m ic ro c o m p u te rs w ith key boards and d is ­ plays using a m in im u m of extern al co m p o n e n ts . Be­

    OCR Scan
    AP-40 MCS-48â UPI-41Â intel 4269 mcs-48 intel 4269 0824 keyboard controller intel 8048 intel 8039 applications of 7447 BCD to Seven Segment display intel mcs-48 8049 Keyboard Controller intel 8049 microcomputer MCS-48 PDF

    MCS48 instruction set

    Abstract: 8749H 8748H The Expanded MCS-48 System 8040AHL 8749AH S3 UM1 8049ah 8039A mcs-48
    Text: in t e i SINGLE COMPONENT MCS -48 SYSTEM 1.0 INTRODUCTION Sections 2 through 5 describe in detail the func­ tional characteristics of he 8748H and 8749H EPROM . 8048 AH/8049AH/8050AH R O M , and 8035 AHL/ 8039AHL/8040-AHL CPU only single component micro­

    OCR Scan
    8748H 8749H AH/8049AH/8050AH 8039AHL/8040-AHL P20-P 8749H/6748H MCS48 instruction set The Expanded MCS-48 System 8040AHL 8749AH S3 UM1 8049ah 8039A mcs-48 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M8243 MCS -48 INPUT/OUTPUT EXPANDER Military • Simple Interface to M8748H/M8048AH and M8035AHL Microcomputers ■ Single 5V Supply ■ High Output Drive ■ Four 4-Bit I/O Ports ■ Direct Extension of Resident M8048AH I/O Ports ■ AND and OR Directly to Ports

    OCR Scan
    M8243 M8748H/M8048AH M8035AHL M8048AH 24-Pin M8243 M8243. PDF

    intel 8294A

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: intei 8294A DATA ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION UNIT • Certified by National Bureau of Standards ■ 400 Byte/Sec Data Conversion Rate ■ Single 5V ± 10% Power Supply B Fu|y compatible with iAPX-86, 88, MCS-85, MCS-80, MCS-51, and MCS-48 64-Bit Data Encryption Using 56-Bit Key

    OCR Scan
    64-Bit 56-Bit intel 8294A PDF

    8051 timing diagram

    Abstract: intel 8031 instruction set 8031 pin diagram ROM 8031 4k MCS-85 interrupt structure of 8051 intel 8051 INSTRUCTION SET intel 8031 architecture intel 8051 40 pin INTEL 8031
    Text: inte* OM[F@^[jMTD INI 18031/8051 SINGLE-COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER INDUSTRIAL • 8031 - Control Oriented CPU With RAM and I/O ■ 8051 - An 8031 With Factory Mask-Programmable ROM ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 4Kx8ROM 128x8 RAM Four 8-Bit Ports, 32 I/O Lines Two 16-Bit Timer/Event Counters

    OCR Scan
    128x8 MCS-48Â 16-Bit 128-Bytes MCS-80Â /MCS-85Â 64K-BVTE AFN-01462A-01 8051 timing diagram intel 8031 instruction set 8031 pin diagram ROM 8031 4k MCS-85 interrupt structure of 8051 intel 8051 INSTRUCTION SET intel 8031 architecture intel 8051 40 pin INTEL 8031 PDF

    intel 8294A

    Abstract: 8294A
    Text: intei 8294A DATA ENCRYPTION/DECRYPTION UNIT Certified by National Bureau of Standards • Single 5V ± 10% Power Supply Fully Compatible with iAPX-86, 88, MCS-85, MCS-80, MCS-51, and MCS-48 Processors 400 Byte/Sec Data Conversion Rate 64-Bit Data Encryption Using 56-Bit Key

    OCR Scan
    64-Bit 56-Bit intel 8294A 8294A PDF

    mcs48 assembly language

    Abstract: Intel 8048 8048 intel microprocessor MCS-48 Manual MCS48 instruction set Abstract ignition 8048 microcomputer user manual "intel 8048"
    Text: A R T IC LE R EPRIN T Intel C o rpo ration 1979 ÂR-1Ü2 Designing Reliable S oftw are for Autom otive Applications Barry Y a rk o n i and John W harton Intel Corp. DESIGNERS MUST ACCEPT the fact that their hard­ ware systems will be required to perform in

    OCR Scan
    MCS-48 mcs48 assembly language Intel 8048 8048 intel microprocessor MCS-48 Manual MCS48 instruction set Abstract ignition 8048 microcomputer user manual "intel 8048" PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: / k l / I X I / k l 12 B it A /D Converter W ith 3-S tate Binary Outputs _ G eneral Description _ Features The ICL7109 is a monolithic 12 bit A/D converter designed for easy interface with microprocessors and UARTs. The 12 bit binary plus polarity and over­

    OCR Scan
    ICL7109 ICL7109A PDF


    Abstract: ic cmos ADC0804 20-PIN CERDIP ADC0802LD max 8770 ADC0801 ADC0801LCN ADC0802 ADC0802LCD ADC0802LCN
    Text: ADC0801ADC0804 8-Bit Microprocessor Compatible AID Converters *0 -' FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • MCS-48 and MCS-80/85 bus compatible-no interfacing logic required • Conversion time < 100 /is • Easy interlace to all microprocessors • Will operate “stand alone”

    OCR Scan
    ADC0801â ADC0804 MCS-48 MCS-80/85 ADC0801 ADC080I /02/03LD. ADC080I/02/03/04LCD. /02/03/04LCN. ic cmos ADC0804 20-PIN CERDIP ADC0802LD max 8770 ADC0801LCN ADC0802 ADC0802LCD ADC0802LCN PDF


    Abstract: L8286 um 8287
    Text: FUJITSU MICROELECTRONICS T7 3749762 FUJITSU M I C R O E L E C T R O N I C S d F | 374ci7t,a DOD4MDÖ E 97D 04408 D T-5'2-31 FUJITSU Advanced Products • H 1P I D I Q A O f i L O « O w November 1986 Edition 4.0 M BL8287 Bipolar Octal Bus Transceiver i Description

    OCR Scan
    BL8287 MBL8286 MBL8287 MBL8086, MBL8088, BML8089, MCS-80* MCS-85* L8286 um 8287 PDF

    intel 8022

    Abstract: Intel 8243 d 2046 NEC 8048 MCS-48 MCS-48 mcs48 APPLICATION mcs-48 application note P12P05 1811F Intel MCS-48
    Text: in té T 8022 SINGLE COMPONENT 8-BIT MICROCOMPUTER WITH ON-CHIP A /D CONVERTER • 8 -B it CPU, ROM, RAM, I / O in S ing le 40-P in Package ■ O n-C hip 8 -B it A / D C o n v e rte r; T w o Input C hannels ■ 2K x 8 ROM, 6 4 x 8 RAM, 2 8 I / O Lines ■ 8 .3 8 /¿sec C y c le ; All In s tru c tio n s 1 or 2

    OCR Scan
    40-Pin MCS-48â sat42 intel 8022 Intel 8243 d 2046 NEC 8048 MCS-48 MCS-48 mcs48 APPLICATION mcs-48 application note P12P05 1811F Intel MCS-48 PDF

    8051 internal structure

    Abstract: intel MCS-51 ap-69 intel 8751 architecture keyboard controller intel 8048 8048 asm example MCS-511 ic 8039 cpu 8051 interface 8155 intel MCS-48 5LT 6C
    Text: m ie i APPLICATION NOTE AP-69 May 1980 o a P '< > s y A V o 4 $ a ° ^ < -° V e 00° ,<P V5 # € lntel C orporation 1980 AFN-01502A-01 AN IN TR O D U C TIO N TO THE INTEL MCS-51 SING LE-CHIP M ICROCOM PUTER FAMILY Contents 1. IN TR O D U C TIO N . 1

    OCR Scan
    AP-69 AFN-01502A-01 MCS-51TM AFN-01502A-32 -45/0580/30K 8051 internal structure intel MCS-51 ap-69 intel 8751 architecture keyboard controller intel 8048 8048 asm example MCS-511 ic 8039 cpu 8051 interface 8155 intel MCS-48 5LT 6C PDF