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    OSC 77 OAK Search Results

    OSC 77 OAK Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: gd5420 CL-GD5428 CL-GD5426 CL-GD5420 CL-GD542x GD5426 GD5424 CL-GD5424 CL-GD5429
    Text: CL-GD542X Preliminary Data Book True Color VGA Family FEATURES CL-GD5429 – Memory-Mapped I/O VGA GUI Accelerator with Local Bus CL-GD5428 – Enhanced VGA GUI Accelerator with Local Bus CL-GD5426 – VGA GUI Accelerator with Local Bus CL-GD5425 – True Color VGA Controller with

    CL-GD542X CL-GD5429 CL-GD5428 CL-GD5426 CL-GD5425 CL-GD5424 CL-GD5422 CL-GD5420 32-bit CL-GD5426/ gd5428 gd5420 CL-GD5428 CL-GD5426 CL-GD5420 CL-GD542x GD5426 GD5424 CL-GD5424 CL-GD5429 PDF

    ARM920T rom

    Abstract: ARM920T ARM946E-S universal reciever books avr atmel dac adc ip cores atmel DSP
    Text: S YSTEM L EVEL I NTEGRATION ATMEL MCU Bus Microcontroller Core Memory Controller SYSTEM BUILDING BLOCKS Program/ Data Memories RAM ROM Flash EEPROM MCU Peripherals External Memory Bus DMA Controller DSP Sybsystem DPRAM Buffer Standard Interfaces DSP Pgm DSP

    ARM920T® ARM946E-S® ARM920T rom ARM920T ARM946E-S universal reciever books avr atmel dac adc ip cores atmel DSP PDF


    Abstract: xfcr MC24 R144EFXL R144XFER-B R144XFER-M R96DFXL R96XFER-B R96XFER-M R96XFER-MP
    Text: XFER eXtended FAXENGINE Device Set with Reduced Drive  Battery-backed refresh with separate battery Introduction power  DMA Controller  Three to six dedicated internal channels for The Rockwell eXtended FAXENGINE™ Device Set consists of a Rockwell eXtended Facsimile Controller with

    teleph81 opo7 xfcr MC24 R144EFXL R144XFER-B R144XFER-M R96DFXL R96XFER-B R96XFER-M R96XFER-MP PDF


    Abstract: RFX96V24-S MD139 XFC-B R144EFX R144XFE-MVS R144XFE-B R144XFE-M SERVICE MANUAL ccd scanner R96XFE-M
    Text: eXtended FAXENGINE Device Set − DMA Controller − Three to six dedicated internal channels for Introduction The Rockwell eXtended FAXENGINE™ Device Set consists of a Rockwell eXtended Facsimile Controller XFC device and a Rockwell MONOFAX Modem device.


    isa bus schematics

    Abstract: rockwell collins connector isa bus data sheet isa bus interfacing rockwell collins Rockwell Collins transceiver 0A79 diode detail 2808 eeprom Allen-Bradley 810 isa bus
    Text: Plug and Play PnP ISA Bus Interface Device Introduction Features The Rockwell Plug and Play (PnP) ISA Bus Interface Device is an 80-pin PQFP VLSI device that supports automatic configuration of an Industry Standard Architecture (ISA) modem card operating on a personal

    80-pin isa bus schematics rockwell collins connector isa bus data sheet isa bus interfacing rockwell collins Rockwell Collins transceiver 0A79 diode detail 2808 eeprom Allen-Bradley 810 isa bus PDF


    Abstract: BO256 Basic ARM7tdmi block diagram AT75C AT75C221 PA11 PA12 PA19
    Text: Features • ARM7TDMI ARM® Thumb® Processor Core – In-Circuit Emulator, 40 MHz Operation • 16-bit Fixed-point OakDSPCore® • • • • • • • • • • • – Up to 60 MHz Operations – 104K bytes of Integrated Fast RAM, Codec Interface

    16-bit 16-Kbyte 6033ES 14-Sep-05 dw32 BO256 Basic ARM7tdmi block diagram AT75C AT75C221 PA11 PA12 PA19 PDF


    Abstract: CARD-586 CARD-486D4 AMD 586 embedded epson card 586 SCE8653710 SPC2052 CARD-486 SEK6677P01 SPC8110
    Text: March 1998 EPSON CARD-PC CARD-586 CARD-586 SCE8653711, SCE8653710 n DESCRIPTION n FEATURES The EPSON CARD-586 is a credit card size product that features IBM PC/AT compatible functions, made possible by EPSON’ computer know-how and micro-assembly technology. The

    CARD-586 SCE8653711, SCE8653710) CARD-586 Am5x86 236-pin SEK6669P01 CARD-486D4 AMD 586 embedded epson card 586 SCE8653710 SPC2052 CARD-486 SEK6677P01 SPC8110 PDF


    Abstract: thermal printer interface sample code thermal printer interface R144EFXL MONOFAX Modem Designers Guide R144XFE-MVS Rockwell R144 MC24 R144XFE-B Rockwell Semiconductor Systems R96XFE-B
    Text: eXtended FAXENGINE Device Set − Three to six dedicated internal channels for Introduction The Rockwell eXtended FAXENGINE™ Device Set consists of a Rockwell eXtended Facsimile Controller XFC device and a Rockwell MONOFAX Modem device. This family of eXtended FAXENGINE (XFE)



    Abstract: CARD-386 SPC2052 SEK6669P01 CARD-486HBL SPC8210 SCE8643600 SPC8110 26 pins connector for fdd EPSON 486HB
    Text: EPSON CARD-PC January 1998 CARD-486HB CARD-486HBL CARD-486HB/HBL SCE86436xx (SCE86406xx) n DESCRIPTION n FEATURES The EPSON CARD-486HB and CARD-486HBL are credit card size products that feature IBM PC/AT compatible functions, made possible by EPSON’ computer know-how and micro-assembly

    CARD-486HB CARD-486HBL CARD-486HB/HBL SCE86436xx) SCE86406xx) CARD-486HB CARD-486HBL Intel486SXSFTM EPSON CARD-486HB CARD-386 SPC2052 SEK6669P01 SPC8210 SCE8643600 SPC8110 26 pins connector for fdd EPSON 486HB PDF

    ARM v7

    Abstract: ARM7TDMI System Peripherals number of pins of ARM7TDMI AT75C221 PA13 PA18 PA20 PA31 PB10 32-bit microcontroller
    Text: Features • ARM7TDMI ARM Thumb® Processor Core – In-Circuit Emulator, 40 MHz operation • 16-bit Fixed-point OakDSPCore® • • • • • • • • • • • • – Up to 60 MHz operations – 104K bytes of Integrated Fast RAM, Codec Interface

    16-bit 32-Kbyte 32-bit 6033AS ARM v7 ARM7TDMI System Peripherals number of pins of ARM7TDMI AT75C221 PA13 PA18 PA20 PA31 PB10 32-bit microcontroller PDF

    330 e77

    Abstract: ovenaire ovenaire OSC ovenaire 10 mhz capacitor 330 e77 TCXO mc ovenaire oak frequency control OSC
    Text: OAK/MC COY ELEK-, OVENAIRE 5bE T> • b7Sa510 0000555 330 M O K N 7 ^ 5 ¿ 7 *5 DIMENSIONS IM MILLIMETERS — it tir?T*«H*|C HCNNtMOG'll + .76 36.5*0 O V E N A IR E • A U D IO • C A R P E N T E R C H A R IO T TE SV ILIE . VIRGINIA U S A MODEL OSC 39-1

    OCR Scan
    b7Sa510 330 e77 ovenaire ovenaire OSC ovenaire 10 mhz capacitor 330 e77 TCXO mc ovenaire oak frequency control OSC PDF


    Abstract: BY285 TT 2222 ovenaire OSC ovenaire 10 mhz ovenaire oak frequency control OSC Oak Frequency Control

    OCR Scan
    72flS10 ovenaire BY285 TT 2222 ovenaire OSC ovenaire 10 mhz ovenaire oak frequency control OSC Oak Frequency Control PDF

    ovenaire OSC

    Abstract: ovenaire ovenaire 10 mhz zo 107 ovenaire 48 ovenaire oak frequency control OSC TCXO mc
    Text: OAK/MC COY ELEK-, OVENAIRE SbE D • L72flS10 OGOOSaT TT7 NUMBERS SHOWN FOR REF. ONLY NOT STAMPED ON BASE — mOKfí ' V ^ O - O S DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS ± .76 50.80 S£.- a US Ss» * ¡ 5 SS“ 3 ¿ á i u o C-J « o £ w £ o .o O z ec5 -i z o < ¿ Q O' .2

    OCR Scan
    L72flS10 i8/77 ovenaire OSC ovenaire ovenaire 10 mhz zo 107 ovenaire 48 ovenaire oak frequency control OSC TCXO mc PDF


    Abstract: ovenaire 49 OSC 77 oak 81177 ovenaire 10 mhz TCXO L Oak Frequency Control osc F04 MARKING Oak Frequency Control TCXO mc
    Text: PAK/HC COY ELEK-, OVENAIRE 5bE D • b7B651D 0000555 7^ 50 ~ DSp 33D M O K H DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERS 17.14 MAX 7.49 6.35±.76 "«76 DIA 3 PINS MM .76 4.78 5.08 6.35 7.49 14.27 17.14 27.94 36.50 39.37 47.62 -PIN CONNECTIONS FOR REF. ONLY (NOT STAMPED ON UNIT

    OCR Scan
    b7B651D 9if-77 JV/-77 8-11-77J ovenaire ovenaire 49 OSC 77 oak 81177 ovenaire 10 mhz TCXO L Oak Frequency Control osc F04 MARKING Oak Frequency Control TCXO mc PDF

    8237 interface with 8086 Peripheral block diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC OTI-031 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE SYSTEM CONTROLLER FEATURES DESCRIPTION • Supports 8086 or V30 CPU speed at 8 MHz or 10 MHz with zero wait state using 150 ns DRAMs The OTI-031 provides the PS/2 Model 30-compatible system with the dual

    OCR Scan
    OTI-031 30-COMPATIBLE OTI-031 OTI-O31 100-pin 30compatible MA1-MA10 RAM256/1M 8237 interface with 8086 Peripheral block diagram PDF


    Abstract: 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159
    Text: Radio Valve and Transistor Data Characteristics of 3,000 Valves and Cathode Ray Tubes, 4, 500 Transistors, Diodes, Rectifiers and Integrated Circuits Compiled by A.M.Ball First published February 1949 Ninth Edition published in 1970 by Iliffe Books, an imprint of the Butterworth Group

    OCR Scan
    FJJ141/A 2305D FJJ181/A 2305E/848 FJJ191/A FJL101/A CD2306D FJY101/A 2306E/832 CD2307/944 3TE445 2N3303 ECC88 TAA*310 B9D TRANSISTOR BYY32 GEX36/7 Ferranti zs70 6ej7 3n159 PDF

    8086 timer

    Abstract: NS8250 00B0-OOBF intel 8253 8253 programmable interval timer microcontroller 3d printer 58167 8086 with eprom oti037 OTI-034
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-032 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE I/O CONTROLLER FEATURES • Controls Model 30-compatible system keyboard and mouse • Integrates the following functions on a single device: -8253-compatible timer/counter -D ual 8250-compatible serial com­

    OCR Scan
    OTI-032 30-CQMPATIBLE 30-compatible -8253-compatible 8250-compatible -8259-compatible -58167-compatible OTI-032 MA1-MA10 8086 timer NS8250 00B0-OOBF intel 8253 8253 programmable interval timer microcontroller 3d printer 58167 8086 with eprom oti037 OTI-034 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OAK TECHNOLOGY INC. OTI-032 IBM PS/2 MODEL 30-COMPATIBLE I/O CONTROLLER FEATURES • Controls Model 30-compatible system keyboard and mouse • Integrates the following functions on a single device: -8253-compatible timer/counter -D ual 8250-compatible serial com­

    OCR Scan
    OTI-032 30-COMPATIBLE -8253-compatible 8250-compatible -8259-compatible -58167-compatible OTI-032 MA1-MA10 oti-037 PDF

    Transistor 2SA 2SB 2SC 2SD

    Abstract: 2SK596 2SC906 2SA1281 bup 3130 C3885A 2sd103 2SA1379 34d 937 086 bfq59
    Text: cD/ transistor 2 0-u datenlexikon data dictionary lexique de donnees enciclopedia dati lexicon de datos vergleichstabelle comparison table table d'equivalence tabella comparativa tabla comparativa ISBN 3-927486-01-9 Dieses Buch ist hinterlegt und urheberrechtlich geschutzt. Alle

    OCR Scan

    CIRRUS 4208-CRZ

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HRir 2 4 1933 CL-GD542X ~2TCIRRUS LOGIC“ Preliminary Data Book FEATURES True Color VGA Family True Color CL-GD542X Fam ily Features • 100% hardware- and BIOS-compatible with IBM9 VGA display standards ■ High-performance Write Buffer architecture ■ Hardware Cursor up to 64 x 64 pixels

    OCR Scan
    CL-GD542X CL-GD542X) CL-GD5426) CL-GD5428) CIRRUS 4208-CRZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CL-GD5410 Preliminary Data Sheet CIRRUS LOGIC FEATURES High-Resolution VGA Qraphics Controller • 100% hardware-and BIOS-compatible with IBM VGA display standards ■ Motherboard VGA solution with only 3 ICs ■ High-performance, dual-FIFO architecture

    OCR Scan
    CL-GD5410 32-bit x16-wlde 16-bit PDF

    Cirrus CL-GD5428

    Abstract: cl-gd5420
    Text: CL-GD542X P re lim in a ry D a ta B ook CIRRUS LOGIC FEATURES True Color VGA Family • 32-bit GUI acceleration — Bit block transfer BitBLT engine — Color expansion for 8- or 16-bit pixels ■ 16/32-bit CPU interface — VESA VL-Bus (up to 50 MHz)

    OCR Scan
    CL-GD542X 32-bit 16-bit 16/32-bit 1280x1024 S13bb31 Cirrus CL-GD5428 cl-gd5420 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ao «g CL-GD542X 'CIRRUS LOGIC Preliminary Data Sheet FEATURES TrueC olor V G A Fam ily CL-GD542X Family Features • 100% hardware- and BIOS-compatible with IBM VGA display standards ■ VGA solution with as few as one DRAM ■ High-performance, Write Buffer architecture

    OCR Scan
    CL-GD542X CL-GD542X 32-bit x16-wlde 16-bit 132-column 160-pln 44057 PDF

    LG 631 TV LG power supply

    Abstract: lg crt tv motherboard circuit diagram Cirrus CL-GD5428 ihp 1c manual cl-gd5420 lg flat crt tv electronic diagram D5426 LG 631 TV LG lg flat screen crt tv electronic diagram 5420 bios
    Text: CL-GD542X Preliminary Data Book 'CIRRUS LOGIC True Color VGA Family CL-GD5429 - Memory-Mapped I/O VGA GUI FEATURES • 32-bit GUI acceleration CL-GD5426/’28/’29 Accelerator with Local Bus — BitBLT (Bit block transfer) engine — Color expansion for 8- or 16-bit pixels

    OCR Scan
    CL-GD542X 32-bit CL-GD5426/ 16-bit CL-GD5429 CL-GD5428 16/32-bit CL-GD5426 CL-GD5425 1280x1024 LG 631 TV LG power supply lg crt tv motherboard circuit diagram Cirrus CL-GD5428 ihp 1c manual cl-gd5420 lg flat crt tv electronic diagram D5426 LG 631 TV LG lg flat screen crt tv electronic diagram 5420 bios PDF