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    Abstract: 103KT2125-1P R53 thermistor compal rf switch s195 EPCOS T251 RG82845M LPC47N254 x71 sot23 mm74hct32m
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 D D Lindbergh Schematic C C uFCPGA Northwood 2003-03-10 Rev:A01 B B A A Compal Electronics, Inc. Title Cover Sheet Size Document Number Rev A01 ADQ00/LA-1351 Date: 5 4 3 2 Monday,March10,2003 1 Sheet 1 of 52 5 4 3 2 Compal confidential 1 Block Diagram

    ADQ00/LA-1351 March10 ADM1032 ADQ00 400MHz NV28/ATI 266MHz PC2100 PR612 B540C RG82845MP 103KT2125-1P R53 thermistor compal rf switch s195 EPCOS T251 RG82845M LPC47N254 x71 sot23 mm74hct32m PDF


    Abstract: DCL51 LA-1881 LA1881REV foxconn Compal Electronics BGA421 RTL8101L compal RT810
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal Confidential 2 2 DCL51 Schematics Document Banias uFCBGA/uFCPGA Package with Montara-GM Core Logic 2003-06-12 3 3 REV: 1.0 4 4 Compal Electronics, Inc. Title SCHEMATIC M/B LA-1881 THIS SHEET OF ENGINEERING DRAWING IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF COMPAL ELECTRONICS, INC. AND CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL

    DCL51 LA-1881 TPRH6D38 TPRH6D38-N. PR311 PJP11 pc151 pc174 pc198 KB3910 LA-1881 LA1881REV foxconn Compal Electronics BGA421 RTL8101L compal RT810 PDF


    Abstract: 37GL53010-C1 L50RIO ITE8512E RQW200 L53II6 pll gl960 gl960 HCB1608KF-600T30 rqw130
    Text: 5 Model : L53II6 4 3 2 1 PCB P/N:37GL53010-C1 PCBA P/N:82GL53080-C1F D D Intel Merom CPU + GL960 + ICH8-M Chipset C B A PG01 PG02 PG03 PG04 PG05 PG06 PG07 PG08 PG09 PG10 PG11 PG12 PG13 PG14 PG15 PG16 PG17 PG18 PG19 INDEX SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM POWER DIAGRAM & SEQUENCE

    L53II6 37GL53010-C1 82GL53080-C1F GL960 9LPRS365 GL827 1394/Card OZ128) PJP35 PJP36 rqw200n03 L50RIO ITE8512E RQW200 L53II6 pll gl960 gl960 HCB1608KF-600T30 rqw130 PDF


    Abstract: rqw200n03 L50RIO 37GL53010-C1 L53II revC1 ITE8512 L50RI0 FP6137B IT8512E L53II
    Text: 5 Model : L53II0 4 3 2 1 PCB P/N:37GL53010-C1 PCBA P/N:82GL53110-C1 SMSC D D Intel Merom CPU + 965GM + ICH8-M Chipset C B A PG01 PG02 PG03 PG04 PG05 PG06 PG07 PG08 PG09 PG10 PG11 PG12 PG13 PG14 PG15 PG16 PG17 PG18 PG19 INDEX SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM POWER DIAGRAM & SEQUENCE

    L53II0 37GL53010-C1 82GL53110-C1 965GM 9LPRS365 GL827 PJP35 PJP36 PC258 max8744 ITE8512E rqw200n03 L50RIO L53II revC1 ITE8512 L50RI0 FP6137B IT8512E L53II PDF


    Abstract: MEC5004 MEC5004 ECE5018 ECE5018 dell inverter pinout isl6260 pinout dell battery HAL00 nvg72m macallan IV SIO pinout
    Text: A B C D E COMPAL CONFIDENTIAL 1 MODEL NAME : HAL00 PCB NO : LA-2792 COMPAL P/N : 45135731L01 1 Travis DIS Schematics Document 2 2 uFCPGA Mobile Yonah Intel Calistoga + ICH7M 2006-01-20 REV : 1.0 (DELL: A00) 3 3 4 4 DELL CONFIDENTIAL/PROPRIETARY MB PCB Part Number

    HAL00 LA-2792 45135731L01 DAA0000050L 45135731L01 DAA0000051L item19. LA-2792 EMC4000 MEC5004 MEC5004 ECE5018 ECE5018 dell inverter pinout isl6260 pinout dell battery nvg72m macallan IV SIO pinout PDF


    Abstract: G6179 XDR 1 NVIDIA schematics kb926 tps51125 Compal Electronics la-6121P Montevina compal notebook schematics FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T TPS2231
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential 2 2 Schematics Document Mobile Penryn uFCPGA with Intel Cantiga_PM+ICH9-M core logic 3 3 LA-4082P Vader Discrete NB9P-GS,NB9M-GE 2009-01-07 Rev 1.0_2F 4 4 2006/02/13 Issued Date Compal Electronics, Inc. Compal Secret Data

    LA-4082P A4082 G6179 XDR 1 NVIDIA schematics kb926 tps51125 Compal Electronics la-6121P Montevina compal notebook schematics FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T TPS2231 PDF

    JBK00 LA4092P

    Abstract: LA-4092P JBK00 KB926 tps51125 JBK00 LA4092P 1.0 FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T kb926qf RT8204 LA-4111P
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential 2 2 JBK00 LA-4092P Schematics Document Mobile AMD S1G2 CPU with ATI RX781 & SB700 core logic with M82-S 3 3 2008-02-20 REV:0.4 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2007/08/02 Issued Date 2008/08/02 Deciphered Date

    JBK00 LA-4092P RX781 SB700 M82-S JBK00 LA4092P KB926 tps51125 JBK00 LA4092P 1.0 FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T kb926qf RT8204 LA-4111P PDF

    852GM GMCH

    Abstract: foxconn RTL8101L LA-2201 DCL5 Compal Electronics SOT23 AD13 compal ALVD tv frame buffer
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal Confidential 2 2 DCL55 Schematics Document Banias ICP uFCBGA/uFCPGA Package with Montara-GM Core Logic 2003-12-29 3 3 REV: 1.0 4 4 Compal Electronics, Inc. Title PCBA M/B LA-2201 THIS SHEET OF ENGINEERING DRAWING IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF COMPAL ELECTRONICS, INC. AND CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL

    DCL55 LA-2201 852GM GMCH foxconn RTL8101L LA-2201 DCL5 Compal Electronics SOT23 AD13 compal ALVD tv frame buffer PDF


    Abstract: MEC5004 MEC5004 ECE5018 ATMel 118 24c04 isl6260 dell LVDS 30-pin layout C1348-1 dell inverter pinout OZ77C6LN oz2522
    Text: A B C D E COMPAL CONFIDENTIAL MODEL NAME : HAL00 PCB NO : LA-2791 COMPAL P/N : 45135631L01 1 1 Travis UMA Schematics Document 2 2 uFCPGA Mobile Yonah Intel Calistoga + ICH7M 2005-10-06 REV : 0.5 (DELL: X02) 3 3 4 4 DELL CONFIDENTIAL/PROPRIETARY MB PCB Part Number

    HAL00 LA-2791 45135631L01 DAA0000040L 45135631L01 DA800002L0L RUH002N06 LA-2792 EMC4000 MEC5004 MEC5004 ECE5018 ATMel 118 24c04 isl6260 dell LVDS 30-pin layout C1348-1 dell inverter pinout OZ77C6LN oz2522 PDF


    Abstract: KB926 tps51125 KB926 sequence LA-4102p FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T kb926qf SLG8SP553 compal HP Keyboard KB 0316
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential Schematics Document Mobile Penryn uFCPGA with Intel Cantiga_PM+ICH9-M core logic 2 2 2008-02-25 3 3 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2008/02/25 Issued Date 2008/02/25 Deciphered Date Title

    LA-4102P NS692405 KB926 tps51125 KB926 sequence FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T kb926qf SLG8SP553 compal HP Keyboard KB 0316 PDF


    Abstract: ENE KB 926 fcbga528 KB926 88e8042 Compal Electronics tps51125 compal PC319 9H03200413
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential 2 2 Schematics Document Mobile AMD S1G2 CPU with ATI RS780M NB & SB700(SB) core logic 3 3 2008-03-07 REV:0.4 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2007/08/02 Issued Date 2008/08/02 Deciphered Date Title Compal Electronics, Inc.

    RS780M SB700 LA-4111P LA-4111p ENE KB 926 fcbga528 KB926 88e8042 Compal Electronics tps51125 compal PC319 9H03200413 PDF

    Quanta CT3 block diagram

    Abstract: C933 ICS954206A capacitor 14K 510 IC HS 8110 31CT3MB0031 HP Pavilion g6 s m r707 ak3 Quanta CT3 quanta
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 CT3 BLOCK DIAGRAM PCB STACK UP LAYER 1 : TOP LAYER 2 : GND A LAYER 4 : IN2 MAX6657 / GMT-781 PAGE: 3 +3V LAYER 5 : VCC LAYER 6 : BOT PENTIUM-M / ALVISO / ICH6-M Processor Intel Pentium-M Intel Celeron-M CPU THERMAL SENSOR LAYER 3 : IN1 V CC_CORE

    MAX6657 GMT-781 318MHz MAX1845 33MHZ DOT96 DOT96# 100MHZ Quanta CT3 block diagram C933 ICS954206A capacitor 14K 510 IC HS 8110 31CT3MB0031 HP Pavilion g6 s m r707 ak3 Quanta CT3 quanta PDF


    Abstract: cpu la 100u 1p0 LA-3331P R1851 NVIDIA G84 mxm-III Socket AM2 Compal Electronics R1651 c1583
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential 2 2 Schematics Document Mobile Merom uFCPGA with Intel Crestline_PM+ICH8-M core logic 3 3 2006-11-10 REV:0.4 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2006/04/13 Issued Date 2006/06/30 Deciphered Date THIS SHEET OF ENGINEERING DRAWING IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF COMPAL ELECTRONICS, INC. AND CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL

    LA-3331P 3331p cpu la 100u 1p0 LA-3331P R1851 NVIDIA G84 mxm-III Socket AM2 Compal Electronics R1651 c1583 PDF


    Abstract: SMB29 isl6260 PC87541 R141 237 000 SCK 054 VARISTOR quanta foxconn R648 PCI7412
    Text: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MA6 BLOCK DIAGRAM CPU Yonah/Merom USB USB4 A 14.318MHz MAX1993 VGACORE (1.2V/NB_CORE/1.25V) PG 3 1394 X1 ICSXXXX 56pins 479 Pins (uPGA) MODEM PCI-E X1 CRT/S-Video CPU CORE ISL6260+6208 POWER 1.2V/44A PG 45 OSC14M HTREFCLK NBSRCCLK, NBSRCCLK#

    318MHz 10/100/1G MAX1993 56pins OSC14M ISL6260 V/44A MAX8743 1439/Correct SAMSUNG RV410 SMB29 PC87541 R141 237 000 SCK 054 VARISTOR quanta foxconn R648 PCI7412 PDF

    kb3926qf d2

    Abstract: ene kb3926qf d2 kb3926 d2 ene kb3926qf RT8206B 62882c RT8111 RTL8111DL RTL8111d RT8111DL

    27MHz 1333MT/s N10M-GE N10P-GE RJ-45 768KHz 25MHz 150MB 150MB kb3926qf d2 ene kb3926qf d2 kb3926 d2 ene kb3926qf RT8206B 62882c RT8111 RTL8111DL RTL8111d RT8111DL PDF

    Notebook PC Service Manual models R500

    Abstract: nobile ap8202q intel dothan cpu prestigio NVIDIA 410M ADP3205 Prestigio Nobile 156 schematic ETHERNET REALTEK l3414
    Text: PRESTIGIO NOBILE 1580W TECHNICAL SERVICE MANUAL Notice The company reserves the right to revise this publication or to change its contents without notice. Information contained herein is for reference only and does not constitute a commitment on the part of the manufacturer or any subsequent vendor. They assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this publication nor are

    CDD14 ECDD15 MTH276D111 MTH276D111 Notebook PC Service Manual models R500 nobile ap8202q intel dothan cpu prestigio NVIDIA 410M ADP3205 Prestigio Nobile 156 schematic ETHERNET REALTEK l3414 PDF


    Abstract: JBK00 LA4092P JBK00 LA4092P 1.0 JBK00 LA-4092P PC613 PC614 tps51125 RX781 FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential 2 2 JBK00 LA-4092P Schematics Document Mobile AMD S1G2 CPU with ATI RX781 & SB700 core logic with M82-S 3 3 2008-05-13 REV:1.0 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2007/08/02 Issued Date 2008/08/02 Deciphered Date

    JBK00 LA-4092P RX781 SB700 M82-S KB926 JBK00 LA4092P JBK00 LA4092P 1.0 PC613 PC614 tps51125 RX781 FBMA-L11-201209-221LMA30T PDF


    Abstract: MEC5004 MEC5004 ECE5018 LA-2791 dell inverter pinout 652-pin OZ77C6L pinout dell battery OZ601TN capacitor AA7
    Text: A B C D E COMPAL CONFIDENTIAL MODEL NAME : HAL00 PCB NO : LA-2791 COMPAL P/N : 45135631L01 1 1 Travis UMA Schematics Document 2 2 uFCPGA Mobile Yonah Intel Calistoga + ICH7M 2006-01-20 REV : 1.0 (DELL: A00) 3 3 4 4 DELL CONFIDENTIAL/PROPRIETARY MB PCB Part Number

    HAL00 LA-2791 45135631L01 DAA0000040L 45135631L01 DA800002L1L item19. LA-2792 EMC4000 MEC5004 MEC5004 ECE5018 dell inverter pinout 652-pin OZ77C6L pinout dell battery OZ601TN capacitor AA7 PDF


    Abstract: realtek 8110 cpu c644 100v 27p 31CT3MB0015 Socket AM2 quanta 31CT3MB0031 Quanta CT3 A06402 quanta ct1
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 Model MODEL REV CT3/5 MB D 1A 31CT3MB0015 31CT3MB0031 CHANGE LIST Page PAGE 2 - Enable CLK48M from clokc generator for the PLL circuit of 7411, and disable the ocsillator circuit of PCI7411 PLL. PAGE 3 - Remove H/W shutdown circuit that supported ADM1032.

    31CT3MB0015 31CT3MB0031 CLK48M PCI7411 ADM1032. PC250 330U/2 PR251 PC251 1U/16V ICS954206A realtek 8110 cpu c644 100v 27p Socket AM2 quanta 31CT3MB0031 Quanta CT3 A06402 quanta ct1 PDF

    toshiba c850

    Abstract: AT8356908 inverter circuit diagram toshiba a100 PMH6 PTC C851 mouse pan 3504 PAN 3504 toshiba c855 quanta sst 49lf008a bios chip
    Text: A B C Power DC/DC converter BW1 Block Diagram Inverter+15"WXGA&WSXGA Example: 1K/F_4 SVIDEO 3.3V: 2W Jumper SW LCD CON/TV OUT/CRT CRT a b c Clcok Gen. CK410-M ICS954309 ICS954302 Page 14 D CPU P4-M Dothan /Celeron Page 11 E BW1 EXT LOGIC REV: 4A 2005-0902A

    CK410-M ICS954309 ICS954302 005-0902A M22CSP-64M/ PCI-Ex16 M24CSP-128M R5535 BCM5751M/F PI3L301 toshiba c850 AT8356908 inverter circuit diagram toshiba a100 PMH6 PTC C851 mouse pan 3504 PAN 3504 toshiba c855 quanta sst 49lf008a bios chip PDF


    Abstract: transistor c1394 Transistor C1390 U112D nvidia chip transistor C1740 CXD9872AK TRANSISTOR C1741 c1740 transistor C1399 transistor
    Text: 5 4 3 2 1 Schematics Page Index Title / Revision / Change Date D C B Page 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Rev. Title of Schematics Page Schematics Page Index Block Diagram Merom(HOST BUS) 1/3

    75ohm 120ohm C1400, C1399, C1401, C1402, C1403, C1404 PC214 MS90-1-01 FCBGA-1299 transistor c1394 Transistor C1390 U112D nvidia chip transistor C1740 CXD9872AK TRANSISTOR C1741 c1740 transistor C1399 transistor PDF


    Abstract: cpu la 100u 1p0 LA-3331P SST25LF080A_SO8-200mil bq24703 R1851 MTX-A1 isl6260 R5C853 compal la-3331p
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential 2 2 Schematics Document Mobile Merom uFCPGA with Intel Crestline_PM+ICH8-M core logic 3 3 2007-01-16 REV:0.5 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2006/04/13 Issued Date 2006/06/30 Deciphered Date THIS SHEET OF ENGINEERING DRAWING IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF COMPAL ELECTRONICS, INC. AND CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL

    LA-3331P c1583 cpu la 100u 1p0 LA-3331P SST25LF080A_SO8-200mil bq24703 R1851 MTX-A1 isl6260 R5C853 compal la-3331p PDF


    Abstract: LA-4091P mv silicon c522 JBK00 la 4091p rev 1A JBK00 tps51125 PC614 RT8204 RS780MN PR317
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 Compal confidential 2 2 JBK00 LA-4091P Schematics Document Mobile AMD S1G2 CPU with ATI RS780MN & SB700 core logic 3 3 2008-05-13 REV:1.0 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2007/08/02 Issued Date 2008/08/02 Deciphered Date THIS SHEET OF ENGINEERING DRAWING IS THE PROPRIETARY PROPERTY OF COMPAL ELECTRONICS, INC. AND CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL

    JBK00 LA-4091P RS780MN SB700 ANYSB700 kb926 mv silicon c522 JBK00 la 4091p rev 1A tps51125 PC614 RT8204 RS780MN PR317 PDF


    Abstract: SLG8SP510T KB926 la-3451p ICS9LPRS355 MAX8734AEEI Socket AM2 g993p1uf crestline ich8-m bcm5787m ics9lprs355 Compal Electronics
    Text: A B C D E 1 1 IGT30 2 2 Compal confidential Schematics Document Mobile Merom uFCPGA with Intel Crestline_GM/PM+ICH8-M core logic 3 3 Monday, December 25, 2006 REV:0.1 4 4 Compal Secret Data Security Classification 2006/08/04 Issued Date 2006/10/06 Deciphered Date

    IGT30 LA-3571P SLG8SP510T KB926 la-3451p ICS9LPRS355 MAX8734AEEI Socket AM2 g993p1uf crestline ich8-m bcm5787m ics9lprs355 Compal Electronics PDF