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    OKI Semiconductor MSM27C1652CZ-NG

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    Bristol Electronics MSM27C1652CZ-NG 194
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    OKI Semiconductor MSM27C1652CZ-NGS

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    Bristol Electronics MSM27C1652CZ-NGS 194
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    OKI Semiconductor MSM27C1652CZ-NGS-K-7

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    Bristol Electronics MSM27C1652CZ-NGS-K-7 194
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    OKI Semiconductor MSM27C1652CZ-NGS-K

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    Bristol Electronics MSM27C1652CZ-NGS-K 194
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    OKI Semiconductor MSM27C1652CZ

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    Bristol Electronics MSM27C1652CZ 194
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    MSM27C1 Datasheets (45)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MSM27C101ZB-NGS-K OKI Semiconductor 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C101ZB-NRS OKI Semiconductor 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C101ZB-NTS-K OKI Semiconductor 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C1024 OKI Electronic Components 1Mbit (64K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C1024-12 OKI Electronic Components 1Mbit (64K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C1024-12AS OKI Electronic Components 1Mbit (64K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C1024-15 OKI Electronic Components 1Mbit (64K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C1024-15AS OKI Electronic Components 1Mbit (64K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C1024-20 OKI Electronic Components 1Mbit (64K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C1024-20AS OKI Electronic Components 1Mbit (64K x 16) CMOS 3-STATE UV-Erasable EPROM in 40-pin DIP package. Scan PDF
    MSM27C121ZB-NGS-K OKI Semiconductor 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C121ZB-NRS OKI Semiconductor 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C121ZB-NTS-K OKI Semiconductor 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C128-20 OKI Electronic Components 128Kbit (16K x 8) EEPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C128-20AS OKI Electronic Components 128Kbit (16K x 8) EEPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C128-25 OKI Electronic Components 128Kbit (16K x 8) EEPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C128-25AS OKI Electronic Components 128Kbit (16K x 8) EEPROM Scan PDF
    MSM27C128-30 OKI Electronic Components 128Kbit (16K x 8) EEPROM Scan PDF

    MSM27C1 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス 1A MSM27C1602CZ 1,048,576-Wordx16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word×8-Bit One Time PROM n 概要 76ワード×16ビット/2,097,152ワード×8ビットが切り替え可能で5Vの単一電源で使用できます。

    MSM27C1602CZ 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word MSM27C1602CZ16MPROM1 MSM27C1602CZCMOS 42DIP44SOP48TSOP 42DIP DIP42-P-600-2 44SOP MSM27C1602CZ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ 電子デバイス 1A MSM27C1655CZ 524,288-Double Wordx32-Bit or 1,048,576-Word×16-Bit 4Double Word×32-Bit or 8-Word×16-Bit/Page Mode OTPROM n 概要 MSM27C1655CZは16Mビットの電気的書込可能なページ読み出し機能付きワンタイムPROMで

    MSM27C1655CZ 288Double 32Bit 576Word 16Bit 16Bit/Page MSM27C1655CZ16MPROM MSM27C1655CZCMOS 70SSOP70TSOP D2854 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MSM27C131ZB-09GS-K 1/2 IL11 * C-MOS 1M (131,072x8)-BIT ONE TIME PROM – TOP VIEW – 12 1 VPP VDD (+3.3 V to +3.6 v) 32 11 10 A16 IN 2 31 PGM IN 9 8 A15 IN 3 NC 30 7 6 A12 IN 4 29 A14 IN 5 27 A7 IN 5 28 A13 IN 26 23 A6 IN 6 27 A8 IN 25 4 A5 IN 7

    MSM27C131ZB-09GS-K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¡ Semiconductor 1A MSM27C1655CZ 524,288-Double Word x 32-Bit or 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit 4-Double Word x 32-Bit or 8-Word x 16-Bit Page Mode One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C1655CZ is a 16Mbit electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory with page mode. Its configuration can be electrically switched between 524,288 double word x 32bit and 1,048,576

    MSM27C1655CZ 288-Double 32-Bit 576-Word 16-Bit 16-Bit MSM27C1655CZ 16Mbit 32bit PDF


    Abstract: DIP42-P-600-2
    Text: ¡ Semiconductor 1A MSM27C1652CZ 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit 8-Word x 16-Bit or 16-Word x 8-Bit Page Mode One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C1652CZ is a 16Mbit electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory with page mode. Its configuration can be electrically switched between 1,048,576 word x 16bit and 2,097,152 word x

    MSM27C1652CZ 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word 16-Word MSM27C1652CZ 16Mbit 16bit DIP42-P-600-2 PDF


    Abstract: DIP42-P-600-2
    Text: ¡ Semiconductor 1A MSM27C1602CZ 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C1602CZ is a 16Mbit electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory whose configuration can be electrically switched between 1,048,576 word x 16bit and 2,097,152 word x 8

    MSM27C1602CZ 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word MSM27C1602CZ 16Mbit 16bit DIP42-P-600-2 PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C1602CZ
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C1602CZ 1,048,576-W ord x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-W ord x 8-Bit One Time PROM D ES C R IP TIO N T h e M S M 2 7 C 1 6 0 2 C Z is a 1 6 M b it e le c tric a lly P ro g ra m m a b le R e a d -O n ly M e m o ry w h o s e c o n fig u ra tio n can be e le c tric a lly sw itch e d be tw ee n 1,0 48,57 6 w o rd x 16bit and 2 ,0 9 7 ,1 5 2 w o rd x 8

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1602CZ 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word MSM27C1602CZ 16Mbit 16bit DIP42-P-600-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C121ZB 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The M SM 27C121ZB is a 1 Mb electrically Program mable Read-Only Mem ory organized as 131,072 words x 8 bits. The M SM 27C121ZB operates on a single 5 V pow er supply and is TTL com patible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C121ZB 072-Word 27C121ZB 32pin 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C1655CZ 524,288-Double W ord x 32-Bit or 1,048,576-W ord x 16-Bit 4-Double W ord x 32-Bit or 8-W ord x 16-Bit Page Mode One Tim e PROM D ES C R IP TIO N The M S M 2 7 C 1 6 5 5 C Z is a 16M bit e le ctrica lly P ro g ra m m a b le R e a d -O n ly M e m o ry w ith page m ode.

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1655CZ 288-Double 32-Bit 576-Word 16-Bit 16-Bit MSM27C1655CZ 16Mbit 32bit PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C1652CZ
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C1652CZ_ 1,048,576-W ord x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-W ord x 8-Bit 8-W ord x 16-Bit or 16-Word x 8-Bit Page Mode One Time PROM D ES C R IP TIO N The M S M 2 7 C 1 6 5 2 C Z is a 16M bit e le ctrica lly P ro g ra m m a b le R e a d -O n ly M e m o ry w ith pa ge m ode.

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1652CZ_ 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word 16-Word MSM27C1652CZ 16Mbit 16bit DIP42-P-600-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C1602CZ 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The M S M 27C 1602C Z is a 16M bit e le ctrica lly P rogram m able R ead-O nly M em ory w hose configuration can be electrically switched between 1,048,576 word x 16bit and 2,097,152 word x 8

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1602CZ 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word 1602C 16bit MSM27C1602CZ 1602CZ 42-pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C101ZB 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C101ZB is a 1 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 131,072 words x 8 bits. The MSM27C101ZB operates on a single 5.0 V power supply and is TTL compatible. Since

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C101ZB 072-Word MSM27C101ZB 32pin 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: MAX200 MSM27C1024 MSM27C1024-12 MSM27C1024-15 MSM27C1024-20 27c1000-12 27c1000-15
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM27C1024 6 55 3 6 x 16 BIT UV ERASABLE ELECTRICALLY PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M S M 2 7 C 1 0 2 4 is a 6 5 5 3 6 w ords x 16 bit ultra vio le t e rasable and e le c tric a lly program m able rea d -o n ly m em ory. Users can fre e ly p repare th e m em ory content, w h ich can be easily changed, so

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1024 MSM27C1024 MSM27C1024-12) MSM27C1024-15) MAX200 MSM27C1024-20) 27C1000 MSM27C1024-12 MSM27C1024-15 MSM27C1024-20 27c1000-12 27c1000-15 PDF


    Abstract: 27C128-25 MAX165 MAX200 MAX250 MSM27C128AS b409 PF412
    Text: O K I semiconductor MSM27C128AS 1 6 3 8 4 x 8 BIT UV E R A S A B L E E L E C T R IC A L L Y PRO GRAM M ABLE READ -O N LY MEMORY G E N E R A L D ESC R IP TIO N T h e M S M 2 7 C 1 2 8 is a 1 6 3 8 4 w ords x 8 bit ultraviolet e ra sa b le and e le c tric a lly program m able

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C128AS MSM27C1 MSM27C128 MAX200 MAX250 MAX300 27C128-20 27C128-25 MAX165 MSM27C128AS b409 PF412 PDF

    ZD 22

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor D E S C R IP TIO N “ ^ “ S s î S y C l V l Z B eleC,riCally '•"'«'-»•nm.-.Wc Read-Only Memory organized as 131,072 w orfs FEATU R ES • 128K x 8 bits • Sin gle 3.3 V p o w er su p p ly - 5 Volt version available MSM27C121ZB

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C131ZB 072-Word CMlM27Cn 128Kx8bits MSM27C121ZB) 32-Pin DIP32-P-600) OP32-P-525-K) ZD 22 PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C1622ZB
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C1622ZB IPffSiilmSfùSffY 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM D E S C R IP TIO N The MSM27C1622ZB is an 16 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory w hose configuration can be electrically switched between 1,048,576 words x 16 bits and 2,097,152 w ords x 8 bits. It operates on a

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1622ZB 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word MSM27C1622ZB 42-pin 44-pin DDE1217 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C101ZB 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C101ZB is a 1 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 131,072 words x 8 bits. The MSM27C101ZB operates on a single 5.0 V pow er supply and is TTL compatible. Since

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C101ZB 072-Word MSM27C101ZB 32pin 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: A12-A13-A14 dc/tx/1/2/1257/MSM27C101ZB
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C101ZB 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION f 8 \Y t s T h T M S M 2 7 c V o i^ B eleCtri? Ily Pr° S ram,m able R ead-O nly M em ory organized as 131,072 w ord s ? uper ° n a Slngle 5 0 v P ° w er su PP'y a n d is TTL co m p a tib le Since

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C101ZB 072-Word f8\TtfATMSM27cVo MSM27C10 MSM27C101ZB 32-Pin DIP32-P-600) OP32-P-525-K) A12-A13-A14 dc/tx/1/2/1257/MSM27C101ZB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C1655CZ_ 524,288-Double Word x 32-Bit or 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit 4-Double Word x 32-Bit or 8-Word x 16-Bit Page Mode One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C1655CZ is a 16Mbit electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory with page mode.

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1655CZ_ 288-Double 32-Bit 576-Word 16-Bit 16-Bit MSM27C1655CZ 16Mbit 32bit PDF

    OKI EM-318

    Abstract: TSOP32 Package 2hh4 DE-A10
    Text: O K I Semiconductor M SM 27C121ZB 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 131,072 words 5M27C121ZB operates on a single 5 V power supply and is TTL compatible. Since the 21ZB operates asynchronously, external clocks are not required, making the MSM27C121ZB

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C121ZB 072-Word 5M27C121ZB MSM27C121ZB 32pin 32-pin DIP32-P-600) OKI EM-318 TSOP32 Package 2hh4 DE-A10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C131ZB_ 131,072-Word x 8-Bit Low-Voltage One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C131ZB is a 1 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 131,072 words x 8 bits. The MSM27C131ZB operates on a single 3.3 V power supply and is TTL compatible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C 072-Word MSM27C131ZB MSM27C131ZB 32pin 32-pin ZD111 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C121ZB 131,072-Word x 8-Bit One Tim e PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C121ZB is a 1 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory organized as 131,072 words x 8 bits. The MSM27C121ZB operates on a single 5 V power supply and is TTL compatible. Since the

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C121ZB 072-Word MSM27C121ZB 32pin 32-pin PDF


    Abstract: MSM27C128AS 27C1 27C128-25 MAX165 MAX200 MAX250 MSM27C128-30 t24as
    Text: OKI semiconductor MSM27C128AS 1 6384 x 8 BIT UV ERASABLE ELECTRICALLY PROGRAMMABLE READ-ONLY MEMORY GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM 27C128 is a 16384 words x 8 bit ultraviolet erasable and electrically programmable read-only memory. Users can freely prepare the memory content, which can be easily changed, so

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C128AS MSM27C128 MAX200 MSM27C1 MAX250 MAX300 MSM27C128-30) 27C128 MSM27C128AS 27C1 27C128-25 MAX165 MSM27C128-30 t24as PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM27C1622ZB 1,048,576-Word x 16-Bit or 2,097,152-Word x 8-Bit One Time PROM DESCRIPTION The MSM27C1622ZB is an 16 Mb electrically Programmable Read-Only Memory whose configuration can be electrically switched between 1,048,576 words x 16 bits and 2,097,152 words x 8 bits. It operates on a

    OCR Scan
    MSM27C1622ZB 576-Word 16-Bit 152-Word MSM27C1622ZB 42-pin 44-pin PDF